Calum Imagine -

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"Come on (Y/N)! You have been in there for an hour" Calum shouted from outside your changing room door. You laughed at his comment because you had just gotten in the dressing room. You were trying on new outfits for school, and Calum wanted to tag alone. You assumed he regreted that now. "You didn't have to come you know" you said giggling as you slid a mint green top over your head. "Yes, but I missed my beautiful girlfriend." Your cheeks began to heat up "your so sweet" you replied as you finished trying on your last item. Finally you walked out of the dressing room. Once you paid, you and Calum walked back to your car. "(Y/N) please tell me we won't have to go back there again" he said with a pouty face. You started laughing "no baby I promise" "good" and with that you guys kissed and got in the car.

(Ik it's short, but it's called an imagine for a reason sorry!!!!! Once school is under control I will be writing actual stories)

Twitter: jennastoran and ashtonbearirwin

{Yes I did change both my twitter usernames}

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