Michael Imagine -

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(this is kinda sad, not really)

*Your prov*

I slowly opened the door. I threw my pink northface backpack on the ground. I walked into my bedroom and slid off my gray uggs and took off my black northface jacket. I laid down on my bed. I had gotten a bad grade on a test and I was kinda upset. Suddenly I heard I soft knock at the door. "Come in" I mumbled. Michael slowly walked in. "Babe are you ok?" You looked up at him. "To be honest, no."

*3rd point of view*

He sat on your bed and pulled you into his lap. He began to rub circles into your arm and softly sang "A drop in the ocean" to you. When he was done, he looked down at your body, and kissed your lips. He always knew how to cuddle and cheer you up.


Sorry this is really short lol:)

Twitter: @ashtonbearirwin

Have an amazing day!!!<3

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