Luke Imagine -

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Your on your period. You don't feel that well. Your getting headaches and cramps all the time. Worst part is, you keep taking it out on your boyfriend Luke. Yet he is still so sweet to you. He brings you chocolate, cuddles with you, draws circles on your stomach trying to calm the cramps down, brings you washcloths for your head, and puts up with your moods. After he comes back from bring you a cup of water, you finally ask him why he was being so nice. "Luke, why are you being so nice to me? I have treated you like crap, yet you are still doing all these things for me." He simply smiled and looked up at you "(Y/N) your so sweet. I know you don't mean the things you say. I know your in pain. I hurts me to see you in this much pain, so I want to do everything I can to help you. Gosh I love you so much" the heat rushes to your cheeks as soon as he finishes that sentence. You lean in and give him a sweet passionate kiss.
"I love you too lukey poo"


Twitter: jennastoran and ashtonbearirwin

Read my new Luke Hemmings fanfiction called "He isn't human" I just posted chapter 1. Thanks:)

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