His favorite color on you

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His favorite color on you

Green. He said it compliments your skin tone and brings out your personality.

Pink. He loved it when you would wear pink and then you would blush at a comment he said. He found it absolutely adorable.

Purple. He always said that it made your smile look whiter and even more adorable. He also liked the fact that he could call you a purple nerple.

Blue. He said that blue always brings out the color in your eyes. It always seemed to make your eyes stand out from everything else.


Thank you for 1.1k reads!!!
ily guys so much:)

Twitter: @ashtonbearirwin

A one direction imagines book should be coming out very soon, so watch out for that!!

Its suppose to snow tomorrow omg please snow I beg of you

Oh btw can I reach 1.2k on twitter? I have been stuck at 1,190 for a long time xD

Have a wonderful day my beautiful readers!!!<3

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