Michael Imagine -

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You and Michael have been dating for a year now. Today was your one year anniversary. You didn't know if he would remember or not. You woke up to a note on your bed. "Dear beautiful (Y/N), today is a very special day. Please meet me downstairs once you have awoken." You smiled at his note, he did remember. All you had on was a t shirt and pajama pants. You brushed your teeth and washed my face before I walked down stairs. When you reached the living room, you found a circle of candles lit up. There was a bowl of (Insert your favorite food). He also had your favorite movie laid out to watch. Finally your eyes landed on the boy you fell in love with a year ago. "Michael.. This is so beautiful. I don't even know what to say" A smile grew across his face. "I'm glad you like it (Y/N). I wanted to make this day special for you." He says blushing. You began to walk up to him. "Well, you did" then you leaned in and kissed him. Sparks flew. It was a passionate, special kiss. This moment you would remember forever.

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