Michael Imagine -

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(A/N: again remember imagines are short!)

You were having the perfect date with your boyfriend Michael. He had taken you to a theme park. You had riden a bunch of rides, he won you a stuffed bear, you took photobooth pictures, and you ate food (duh). Right now you were in live for the Ferris wheel. You stood in line with Michael, your fingers interlocked. Finally when it was your turn to go on the ride, you choose the blue cart, because blue was your favorite color. Michael giggled as you wiggled in your seat. You loved these kinds of rides, they were so fun and beautiful. "Wow (Y/N) someone is excited" Michael said laughing. Finally the ride started. It was so romantic. Holding hands while looking up at the stars. "These stars are so beautiful" Michael says. "Just like you" your cheeks begin to heat up at Michael's comment. He is seriously the sweetest thing ever. Michael notices you blushing and cracks a big smile. He thinks it's so cute when you blush. Finally your cart stops at the top. Your eyes again rise to the sky to stare at the stars. Suddenly Michael leaned in and gave you a magical kiss. Sparkes were flying between both of you. When you finally broke apart, Michael said "I love you so damn much (Y/N) I hope you know that. I will love you with all my heart, for the rest of my life" You could say this was a magical night


Sorry this was so late! I have had a really bad and busy week. Thankfully we have had Tuesday and Wednesday off for teacher parent meetings(:

What are you guys being for Halloween? I'm being a panda lol don't ask.

Twitter: jennastoran & ashtonbearirwin
(Yes I did change my usernames)
I also have a tumblr! I have had it for a while I just haven't mentioned it. Link is on twitter(: byeeee!

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