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Hey guys. So yes I am alive lol. The other day I was going through my notes and I noticed that I had kinda started a fanfic. Since I reached 7K I decided to post it:) here you go!

*Grace's prov*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over, sadly I rolled over too fair and fell off. Ouch. I slowly got up and made my way to my brothers room. As I opened the door a horrible stench filled my nose. "OH MY GOD ASHTON WHAT DIED IN HERE" he just sat up and laughed at me. I guess you could say we have a strange relationship, well I should probley tell you guys about me. I'm 16. My name is Grace Amelia Irwin . My twin is Ashton Fletcher Irwin. I have my mothers brown eyes and Ashton has our fathers green eyes, I have always wanted his eyes but he tells me mine remind him of chocolate, and he loves food, So I guess that makes me feel better. Ashton and I have always been really close. I left Ashton's room and headed to my bathroom. I took a shower last night so I just washed my body. Usually I wear my hair natural, so all I did was brushed it out. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I applied some light natural makeup. My favorite part of my makeup was my mascara, it really made my brown eyes pop. I headed out of my bathroom and back to my room to pick out an outfit. I picked out a simple Flordia Georgia Line (my favorite country group) tour t-shirt, some shorts, and flip flops. It was really hot here in Cali. I ran downstairs to find Ashton eating the typical breakfast my mother makes. Eggs, bacon, and waffles. "Hey slow poke" Ashton says while poking my face "very funny" I said laughing. When we finally finished eating we kissed our mother goodbye and left for school. Ashton usually drives because I don't feel too safe on the road. We finally get to school and park in our usual spot. I walk inside with Ashton. "Hey Ash look" I say pointing into the main office "Looks like we got some new students" I say smiling. "Yeah, looks like a boy and a girl" he said. Finally we left the scene and went to our lockers. I saw my friends Aly and Nicole "Hey guys!" I say greeting them with a smile "Hey!!!" They said hugging me. "You know we have a new student?" Nicole speaks up. "Yeah I wonder what they are going to be like" I say with a confused look on my face. "I don't know" Aly said "I guess we will have to find out"

*Olivia's prov*

"LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS HURRY UP WE CAN'T BE LATE ON OUR FIRST DAY" I scream at my brother. "Alright Olivia chill" he yells. I roll my eyes. Well while we're waiting I guess you should know a little bit about me. My name is Olivia Brooke Hemming. My brother is Luke Robert Hemmings. We are twins, except Luke's hair is blonde. My hair is a dark brown. We both have big hands and a big heart. How cheesy I know. We both have dimples. We both also have blue eyes. I was wearing pretty simple makeup. I kept staring at my eyes though, I loved the way a black eyeliner on the water line made my blue eyes pop. As for my outfit, it was very casual but nice. I had on a white lace top (of course with a tank top under it), some shorts, and white sandles. I wanted to look nice after all. Me, Luke, and our mom moved here from England. Yes we moved all the way from "across the pond" and I'm not use to this warm weather. I started to get impatient "LUKE HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH" I yelled. As soon I yelled the tall boy came down the steps "well look who's antsy" he says showing his dimple "Luke I'm not going to be late on our first day" I stare at his outfit. He was wearing all black besides white converse. "Ok ok ok. Lets go" he says grabbing his keys. Ever since I was little I always use to grab his hand where ever we went. I'm super shy and Luke is very brave and strong, so I always felt safe. We hopped into the car and drove to school. Finally we pulled up and started looking for the main office. "There it is" Luke said pointing to a door. We walked in and a Lady greeted us "You must be the Hemmings twins? Hello welcome to MHS (Malibu High School) Let me grab your schedules!" She says as she runs off. We both take a seat and I hold onto Luke's hand. He could tell I was nervous because when I'm nervous I always grab his hand and tap my left foot. "Olivia calm down" he said looking me in the eyes "It's going to be ok" trying to calm me down. "Here you go!" The lady comes back handing us our schedules. "And our lockers for some reason were put in the I section instead of the H! So just look for that! Have a wonderful first day" and with that we left. We searches every single I locker until we finally found ours. Of course there was a group of girls and boys right infront of our locker. I didn't say anything being my shy self. Waiting for Luke to speak up. "Excuse me can we get to our locker?" The people turn to us and stare. Mostly at Luke. He always got the girls. How couldn't you love him? Charming looks and personality. In America I guess they love British accents. One of the girls seemed to be blushing at Luke. She had long brown hair, almost as long as mine, but it was wavy. She also has brown eyes. She seemed really fit. "Sorry" she says smiling and moves out of the way. I begin to open my locker when a boy slams it shut "Sorry what are you going to do about it?" The boy says staring at me. Luke notices what's going on and steps infront of me. "Mess with my sister and I mess with your face" he says staring straight into the persons soul. Finally they leave and I unpack. "So Luke did u see that girl staring at you?" I say smirking "yeah she was really hot too" Luke says showing a dimple. I laugh and playfully punch his arm "little lover boy found his next target"

*Olivia's prov*

We walked into our next class, luckily Luke was in all of my classes. When I walked in the teacher looked at both of us. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I started to panic. "Hello, you must be Olivia and Luke Hemmings?" She says with a warm smile "Y-yes mam" I manage to say. Everyone's mouths drop as they here my accent. Lord I guess they have never heard a British accent before. "That's great! Take a seat next to the Irwin twins" I look at the table she pointed at and stare in confusion. They did not look like twins what so ever. I walked over to the table still holding Luke's hand and I sit down. "We'll we are ahead of the other classes so you have earned yourself a chat day!" The teachers says. Everyone cheers. "Hello!" The girl who I saw in the hallway said. She seems very cheerful. "I'm Grace Irwin." "And I'm Ashton Irwin." the boy said to me. He was really cute. "I'm Olivia Hemmings.." I said "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Ashton says. I start to blush. Luke had always been the one to get the dates. I usually just hung out with my friends. I had only had one boyfriend, and he broke my heart really bad, so Luke is super overprotective. "My sister is off limits" he says staring into Ashton's eyes with his jaw clenched. I could tell Ashton look a bit scared "Luke it's ok" I said chuckling. I begin to hold his hand again.

*Luke's prov*

Olivia will never get her heart broken again. No. She has already had her heart broken once. By a boy named Jason. They dated for about two years and then she found out he had been cheating the whole time and was in a bad gang. She was depressed for months. I swore to myself I would never let that happen again. I stare back at Grace. She was so beautiful. I have dated many girls but I could tell she was different. Something was special about her. I had to have her, she was beautiful and perfect in everything she did. She saw me staring and blushed. I sent her the classic cheeky smile with a dimple. Yep. She will be mine.


Hope you guys enjoyed! :)

Twitter: @ashtonbearirwin

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