Story Background Info

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This is the section of the book in which I explain things that were confusing or unclear. Please comment any more you would like explained!!!!!!!!

1) the ending
I have read many stories in with at the end they fall in love and live happily ever after but for this story I wanted to emphasize on the idea that there are no fairytale endings.

2) dinner in heaven
Yes I know that angel's don't have to eat but the scene where Cas tells Dani that dinner would be ready soon is in this story to emphasize the difference between full angel's and Dani who is half human half angel. The dinner is because she still experiences human urges such as hunger.

3) Dani being over emotional
I modelled Dani as the female version of Dean. On the outside they are both strong, intelligent, badasses but on the inside they are damaged goods they have been through so much that it keeps building up until the eventually crack, which Dani does throughout the story.

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