Extra Chapter - Five Years Later

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Hello my loves,

I love reading all the comments on my story, as a thank you for your dedication I'm going to give you an extra chapter. I hope you love it! <3


Five Year Later

"Daddy, can you tell me about mommy?" Morgan asked as I poured milk in his cereal.

I gave up hunting just after Dani passed away, she told me to protect Morgan with my life and I promised myself from that day forward I would not do what my father had done. I was not leaving Morgan to fend for himself, Morgan knows nothing of the supernatural world and I am planning on keeping it like that.

"Well, you have two mommy's." I said sitting in the chair beside him. "Your first one, I didn't know her but she was your second moms best friend. She did pass away but she did so so that you could survive and live to be a great man one day. Your second mom, she was the love of my life. She was the most beautiful woman on this planet, the most beautiful in the universe." I choked up, it has been five years and I miss her, now more than ever.

Morgan crawled up onto my lap and gave me a hug.

"Her name was Dani, she was a solider in the army. She was unbelievably strong, that is why I know that right now she's looking down on us from heaven. She is our guardian angel." I said as Morgan jumped of my lap and went back to eating his cereal.

"She's my angel." I whispered quite enough so that Morgan could hear, I pulled her picture from my inside jacket pocket.

" I whispered quite enough so that Morgan could hear, I pulled her picture from my inside jacket pocket

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"My angel."

My Angel (Dean Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now