Chapter Two

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'Cause all that's waiting is regret,'

Dani Brooks Point of View

I opened the door to see Sam Winchester.

"Do you realize how unacceptable this is? Waking me up at two in the morning." I said angrily.

"I'm sorry but we need your help." He replied with an apologetic look on his face.

"With what?" I asked leaning against the door frame.

"Well, it is to do with a hunt." Sam whispered.

"Okay, come in." I said moving out of the door way and into the living room, rubbing my eyes. I could hear Sam's friend speak up.

"One woman isn't good enough for you, eh Sammy?" He laughed. Sam looked unhappy with the comment that his friend made. I walked over and smacked him on the back of the head.

"What was that for?" He cringed.

"I am not a whore, I've never been and never plan to be." I stated angrily. Sam chuckled, I could tell that he was trying to hold back a full fledged laugh.

"Dani, this is my brother Dean." Sam said.

"Ass." I said just loud enough for him to hear, and as he walked by he retaliated.


"Okay then, glad to know you to are getting alone, anyway about this hunt, I need you to listen to something for me." He said, and Dean pulled out his phone.

"I can never go home." I woman's voice said on the recording.

I though for a minute before I spoke. "There are a number of things this could be, I'd need more information to be sure." I sighed.

"Here, let me do a quick search, you need to go get dressed." Sam said.

"What, why?" I asked, a little confused.

"Because you are coming with us." Sam said.

"What, no she isn't, I'm not taking amateurs."

"First of all, I've been hunting by myself since I was twelve, and second, Sam why do I need to come with you?" I asked.

"Because you know a lot about this kind of stuff so if anyone could help us find our dad, that's you." Sam said already typing away on my computer.

"I guess I can cancel a few plans." We both looked to Dean, awaiting his approval.

"Fine, but if you fuck up I will leave you on the side of the road." He sighed.

I rushed off to my room to get ready, I already had a bag pack as an 'in case of emergencies' supply kit. All I need to do was get dressed grab my journal with all the knowledge of supernatual beings and pack my laptop.

I changed into clothing that is easy to move around in, a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt that showed one shoulder. Grabbing my bag I went back to the living room.

"Find anything good?" I asked as I put my long red hair into a pony tail.

"Yeah come look at this." He said. Dean was sitting in the chair beside Sam.

"Dean if you don't move I am going to sit on you." I said grimly.

"Go right ahead." He said. I guessed he didn't actually expect me to sit on him, but I did any ways.

"Oh also, Dean you should know, sarcasm isn't her strong suit." Sam laughed.

"Yeah, I gathered that." Dean said through his teeth.

"Okay, what did you find?" I asked.

"Yesterday, a young man, about early twenties, went missing. He was last heard from around ten o'clock the night before. Yesterday morning they found his car parked on a bridge. It had blood splatters on the windows and on the upholstery, he has yet been found." Sam said.

"Okay, that narrows it down, but we still need more, I think that once we get there we should talk to his girlfriend. See if he had sounded strange when he talked to her." I said.

"Okay." We all stood up, I put my laptop into its bag and followed Sam and Dean out of the room. Turning around and locking my door.

We got out to the car and all hopped in.

"Sick ride Dean." I said.

"Thanks." He muttered under his breath. I sat in the back flipping through my journal using my flash light so I could see. I had a few thoughts on what it could be. I put in one of my head phones and turned on AC/DC's highway to hell and continued going through me book. One option stood out more than the other ones, the Woman in White. The Woman in White was created when a woman had an unfaithful husband. Knowing that their husband was unfaithful it put them into a depressive state, and during that state they killed the child or children. Once they completely realize what they had done they become extremely suicidal not being able to live with the fact that they kill the kids the end up killing themselves.

In the front I could hear Sam and Dean talking.

"How do we know we can trust her?" Dean asked.

"Because she is my best friend, just trust me on this." Sam replied.

"She is going to get us killed, I don't trust her and neither should you." He whispered with harshness. His comment hurt but I wasn't sad about it, I was more pissed about the fact that he hasn't even gotten to know me and he already thinks that I am here to screw them over. I had heard enough, Dean was never going to get over the fact that I was on this hunt. No matter how hard Sam tried to convince him, it wasn't going to help.

It is only a few hours until we get to the town where John Winchester is supposed to be. We will probably get there at four, so then we get about two hours of sleep.

I decided it would be best to keep thinking about my work, forget what Dean Winchester was saying.

If not for myself, for Sam, in the hope the he can find his father.

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