Chapter Fourteen

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'So don't come back for me'

Dean pulled the car to the side and I hopped out. I slammed the door shut screaming and kicking at the grass, I made my way to the fence.

"I can't believe this fucking happened, I can't let this be true. It is all my fault she is dead, if I wasn't a fucking hunter she wouldn't be dead, this never would have fucking happen." I cried falling to the ground placing my face in my hands. I could hear feet rushing up to me and felt someone hug me and someone else rub there hands on my shoulders.

"It is not your fault!" Sam said sitting beside me.

"I'm the one who took her hunting." I cried out. Vehicles continued to drive past as I sat there.

"Sam, can I talk to Dani alone?" Dean whispered.

"Sure." Sam said standing up and making his way back to the car.

"I swore to myself that I wasn't going to let my friends get involved, the one time my friends do get involved they are dead. I heard Olivia scream, I heard her son, Morgan, crying in the background, the flames whipping around the room." I cried into his shoulder.

"Dani, that isn't your fault. She didn't listen to you that night. You saved who knows how many people, her life, although priceless, is a small price to pay for ten's or hundreds of priceless lives you saved that night." He said.

"Oh is that true?" I asked. "So if it was between Sam and a cafe full of people, you would let your brother die?" I asked.

"That is different, he is my brother, he is my family." Dean said. I pushed him back.

"She was like family, she may not be blood but she was like a sister to me, so don't tell me that blood makes someone even more important." I cried.

"I'm sorry." He said, shuffling around in his position. "I guess I never though of it that way.

My phone started ringing and I answered it hoping that there was a small chance that Olivia may still be alive.

"Miss Brooks, I are Olivia Brandon's lawyers. In her will it has been stated that if anything was to happen to her, you are to take guardianship of the child, Morgan." The man said.

"He is alive?" I asked.

"He was pulled out of the fire just just after it started. He will have a few scars but he is expected to pull through." He said.

"Oh thank god, I'm going to make my way there." I said.

After I hung up I made my way to the car.

"What is going on?" Dean asked.

"Morgan, Olivia's son, is still alive and I am his godmother." I said climbing into the back seat.

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