Chapter Ten

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'And tearing love apart,'

I could feel the tension in the vehicle. It was uncomfortable and awkward.

"So how did you meet the boys?" Ellen asked me after a long couple of minutes of silence.

"Well, I met Sam at college and I met Dean just after he broke into Sams house, they needed me to go hunting with them." I said. I could tell Jo didn't like that answer because her fists were tighten so hard they began turning white.

We pulled up to Bobby's house and all stepped out of the vehicle. Sam, jo and Ellen were having a conversation and Dean was sitting on the front of the Impala staring at the ground. "I'm sorry about your dad." I said standing in front of him. I could tell he was holding back tears. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me resting his head on my shoulder. It was obvious that he was crying because of the way his body was shaking.

"Dean, Dean, It's gonna be okay." I whispered in his ear. Motioning to Sam to take everyone inside. Ellen listened and made her way to the house but Jo didn't she stood her ground with her arms crossed.

"Let's go for a walk." I said and he stepped back and wiped his face.

"I feel like I'm a weakling." He said grabbing my hand and we started walking towards the barn. "If Dad saw me he'd been so disappointed."

"Dean, please, listen to me, you are not weak your the strongest person I know, this isn't weakness, this is grief. This may sound selfish but just focus on the fact that you are alive." I said.

"I wish I couldn't feel a thing, a damn thing." he said sitting down on the grass.

"I know, trust me, I know." I sighed.

We sat quietly for a few minutes until I interupted it by kissing him.

"I missed you so much." I said with each breath.

"I missed you too, I was afraid that i would never see you again." He replied brushing his fingers through his hair.

"I need to get cleaned up." I said breaking it off and standing up.

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