Chapter Sixteen

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"I heard you're asking all around'

"You can take him home now." I nurse said coming in with a chart and many papers.

"I'm glad." I replied.

"I just need you to sign these." She said said handing me the stacks of paper.

"Oh great more papers." I sighed sitting down in the chair.


I sat in the back of the car beside Morgan, who was strapped into his seat.

"So you're a daddy now!" Sam laughed. The look Dean gave him, if only looks could kill.


I sat on the couch at Bobby's rocking Morgan back and forth trying to get him to fall asleep, Ellen and Jo were still there.

"Dani, can I talk to you?" Dean asked, I nodded following him into the kitchen.

'We can't keep Morgan!" He said angrily, as if he'd been bottling this up for a while.

"You know what, I am going to keep him. It is my fault that his mother was murder, you can't deny that and neither can I. I'm not risking the chance that he ends up in another house with dead parents. He is going to need me, and I was hoping you would be here too but if you can't handle that maybe we shouldn't be together. It is my fault that this is now his life so you need to choose, you either stay with me or I am getting in a car and leaving, I'm not Morgan's real mother but I'm all that is left." I cried rushing out the back door.

I know this seems stupid of me but I'm not leaving him. His mom is dead because of me, and that is the end of the story.

I sat outside for almost half an hour until dean came out.

"I'm sorry." He said sitting beside me.

"You're sorry?" I snapped. "You can't tell me that he has to go up for adoption and only say sorry!" I cried. "I am responsible for these marks, I am responsible for his mother!" I cried. "You don't get to apologize and expect me to forgive you, I was able to survive on my own before I met you and I sure as hell don't need you." I yelled at him, anger taking over my sorrow.

"You are not responsible!" He said, sitting down behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "I will not break up with you, I don't expect you to forgive me, but I am not leaving." He said.

"Thank you." I replied softly.

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