Chapter Three

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"It is forbidden!" The angel who has the highest status yelled. "You can not fall in love with a human!" He screamed.

"My father did." I yelled back.

"Well that was a mistake, you were a mistake, you should never have been born." He slammed a book an the desk.

"And my sister?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"She was another mistake, we let him get away with his charade for too long. We sent other angels to deal with him and your sister." The angel replied.

"And why didn't you kill me?" I asked. 

"Castiel, a friend of your fathers. managed to convince god that you could be used as an advantage." He replied. 

"You, we, we are all monsters. Angels should not condone killing the innocent, we are tasked with protecting those we met not killing them." I screamed storming out of the office. I made my way to my room until I saw Castiel and I grabbed him by the arm, dragging him from his current conversation. 

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Castiel, why the hell didn't you tell me about my father and my sister. They were killed but us fucking monsters." I screamed smacking in the face.

"I don't understand your anger. I did save your life." He replied in his normal calm tone.

"You could have told me that our species is full of murderous assholes!" I screamed at him.

"I am... sorry." He replied. I could tell through his face that he didn't know how to react to my emotions. I shook my head, turned around and made my way to the great hallway. I need to clear my mind. 

I can't love Dean, I can't be there for Morgan, Jo wins. Isn't this just perfect? I sighed kicking at the ground. 


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