Chapter Nine

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'Collecting your jar of hearts'

Dean Winchester POINT OF VIEW

I sat in the vehicle with Sam, Jo, and Ellen. Everyone was mad but that isn't what I care about. Right now all I can think about is the fact that Dani will be home in three weeks. Sam's phone rang pulling me back to reality.

"Hey Dean, can we stop by the airport? Bobby said that a friend of his needs a ride in and there's one more seat in here." Sam said.

"I guess." I sighed turning on the road towards the airport.

You could cut the tension in the car with a knife. I even tried to turn on the radio but Ellen kept shutting it off.

"How will I know who I'm supposed to pick up?" I sighed.

"Bobby said that you'll know." Sam shrugged.


I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the vehicle. "Wait here. I'll be a couple minutes." I said closing the door. Apparently I'm going to recognise who it is.

I stood by the elevator and I heard a small voice behind me. "Dean?" I turned around and Dani stood in front of me.

"What, you're, oh my god." I wrapped her in my arms and she dropped her bags holding me tight.

We both started tearing up and we didn't let go.

"Sam is in the vehicle." I said grabbing her bag and we rushed outside the building. I can't explain how much I want her out of her uniform, if you know what I mean.

As we came up to the car Sam stepped out. "Hey Dani!" Sam said hugging her. Jo and Ellen stepped out and Dani looked surprised.

"Dani, the is Ellen and Jo." I said. Jo looked like she was shooting daggers out of her eyes. Before Ellen could get back in the front seat I got Dani in. Ellen now looked like she was going to kill me.

"Don't make Sam sit back there. I'll sit in the back." She told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "She nodded."

*Sorry it is short. I've had a major English project and my finals are in a month*

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