Chapter Five

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"Hello Samuel, you called?" I said twirling my angel blade in my fingers. 

"Dude, don't call me that!" He groaned. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised and he dropped the subject. "We need help, what can you tell me about defeating a trickster, cause we've got one and if he doesn't stop killing Dean I'm gonna shove my foot up his ass. It's been Tuesday for forty-seven days." I laughed.

"I'll talk to him, I know who this will be, trust me, you got off lucky I know people who have been looped for almost a year before we can get to them. Imagine and entire year of Mondays." I laughed. "By Samuel!" 

"Don't call me that!" He groaned and I left appearing in front of Gabriel.

"Gab, this is the ninth time this month that I've had to deal with you!" I sighed.

"But this is my job! I'm a trickster." He tried to vanish but I grabbed hold of his magic and pulled him back.

"You've forget who you are dealing with." I laughed. "You know that I've been granted the highest level of power. Gab, you need to stop this of I will drag you in front of the council." I said.

"But I am a trickster!" He wined.

"You still can be one but play less destructive tricks, ones that don't emotional destroy Sam Winchester. He's about to break." I said.

"Fine!" He snapped vanishing, this time I let him. I went back to Sam, but first stopped in with the council to tell them the task was complete.

"Sam what's wrong?" I asked when I got to him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's Wednesday." He said.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked.

"It's Wednesday and Dean is dead!" He cried.

"How?" I asked sitting beside him.

"It was weird, he got hit in the head by a brick falling from no where." Sam said.

"I'll be back." I sighed.

"GABRIEL!" I yelled, taking his magic in my grasp.

"What?" He asked surprised.

"A brick from no where?" I asked.

"I know isn't it great." If you don't fix this I will permanently remove your powers and put you in front of the council." I said, I was done with his crap.

"Fine!" He said, he went to vanish but this time I pulled him back. 

"Do it here and now." I said. Gabriel waved his hand and let the magic flow. "I'm putting a tracker on you. If you remove it or try to trick me I will take your powers, if you use them to harm anyone I will take your power. It will be on for the next month. Am I clear?" I asked. He nodded and I let go of his magic, letting him vanish.

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