Chapter Twelve

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'You're gonna catch a cold'

"Now you need to straighten up and become the cool, unemotional Dean Winchester that everyone knows so well." I laughed before shoving him back towards the loving room.

I was about to follow behind him but I got a phone call so I stayed behind in the kitchen.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Dani, it's me, Olivia. I need help." A friend of mine from university pleaded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"A man, black eyes." She said.

"Say no more, I'll be there soon. I'm leaving now." I said hanging up. Before I told anyone anything I ran upstairs grabbed my bag and started loading my gun running down the stairs.

"Sam, Dean, get in the car. We are going to University." I said rushing passed everyone.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Friend off mine, demon. Just grab your guns and follow behind!" I shouted.

"I'm coming to!" Jo shouted. Before Ellen had time to scold her I stopped in my tracks and turned towards her.

"You are not!" I shouted.

"Oh are you afraid ill steal your man?" she laughed grabbing one of the guns and putting it in her pocket.

"No, I'm not. I'm afraid that some newbie is gonna get my friend killed. Now give Bobby back his gun and crawl into your little cocoon and stay there!" I shouted. I know that was way to mean but I've had to deal with to much bull shit and that isn't going to swing with me any more.

"Dani, Sam, get the impala and meet me at the shed!" Dean yelled throwing Sam the keys.

"I don't get to drive?" I laughed rushing behind Sam.

"No body but Sam and I drive baby!" He replied running to the shed.

While Sam started the car I opened the back and grabbed a full box of rocket salt bullets.

"Taking down an army?" Sam laughed grabbing his gun.

"I'm not letting anyone else die." I said loading my shotgun.

Sam was silent as we got into the vehicle. I sat in the back so that it will be easy for Sam to slide over when Dean gets in.

We reached the shed and Dean had his green duffel bag and three coffees.

"Where did you get the time?" I asked him as he slid in.

"Bobby made them." He said handing Sam and I ours and then rushing out of the farm.

I called Olivia and she picked up.

"I went to the cafe down the street. The demon is searching through my house. If he doesn't find what he wants then he is gonna kill me." She cried.

"Just keep talking to me. I'm gonna put you on speaker phone." I said.

"Now tell us what happened." I said after turning my phone on speaker phone.

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