Chapter Seven

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'And who do you think you are?'

On the plane I sat beside a mother and her daughter.

For most of the time I sat there staring out the window. Every time I thought of Dean, the pained expression on his face as I walked towards that security gate. I began to cry. Someone pulled my sleeve I wiped my eyes and looked over.

"Why are you wearing lots of camo?" She asked.

"Oh honey, you shouldn't ask that." Her mom said give me an apologetic smile.

"No, no, it's okay. The reason I'm wearing lots of camo is because I am a soldier." I smiled politely.

"Oh, my Daddy is a soldier too." She sighed.

"Come now Maria. Stop bothering this lady." The woman said.

"Okay mommy." She smiled put headphone on and continuing to watch her show.

"I really am sorry about her, her father passed away over five months ago and it still hasn't settled in with her." She said.

Five months? Five months ago was when the men and women under my command passed away.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but what was your husbands name?" I asked.

"David Marcus." She said, sorrow filled her voice.

"Ah, David, he was a never good soldier." I replied.

"You knew him?" she asked me.

"Yes, I did. He was under my command. He loved you and your daughter very much." I replied.

"I know I shouldn't ask this but can you tell me what happened to him?" She said softly.

"I don't really know." I lied, knowing that her husband killed in the most gruesome way.

"Oh, okay." She sighed leaning back into her seat.


We landed at the airport and I found my way to the security exit. A corporal was waiting for me.

"Are you ready? Ma'am?" He asked.

"No." I said gulping air and climbing into the back of the convoy truck to meet my team.

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