Chapter Thirteen

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'From the ice inside your soul'

"There is more of them now. His eyes!" Olivia cried.

"What do you mean by his eyes?" I asked.

"They are yellow." She cried. Before I could even tell Dean to speed up he stepped down hard on the pedal.

I put my end on mute so I could speak without her hearing. "Dean, her son turns six months old... TONIGHT!"

"Turn it off mute, let me speak!" He said in a panic. I did as he said and held the phone between him and Sam.

"Olivia, my name is Dean. Grab your son, lock yourself in the room farthest away from them, line salt around the doors and windows, then make a circle, stay inside that circle!" He said loudly.

"Okay." She sniffled, I could here her feet beating the ground. I felt like I was going to break down.

"I'm going to hang up now, call me if anything happens!" I said hanging up.

I pulled my feet onto the seat and wrapped my arms around them. "This is my fault!" I cried into my knees.

"Why do you say that?" Sam asked me.

"Because I am the one who took her hunting once. She had just found out she was pregnant, She had no one. I took her out for dinner but it was interrupted, I didn't have time so I had to take her with me, she didn't listen when I told her to stay in the vehicle," I cried.

"That is not your fault, you had no other choice. It was either you take her with you or you let innocent people die." Dean replied.

"If only I had known." I whispered, watching the landscape pass by. My phone rang and I answered without hesitation.

"He is here Help m-!" She cried out.

The next thing I hear I will never be able to get out of my mind. The blood curdling scream. My breath got caught in my throat. Her son cried in the background, I could her the flicking of flames, then everything went quiet. My phone wasn't on speaker so Dean and Sam kept asking me what happened. I hung up and looked out the window.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"She... She is gone." I cried.

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