Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was perfect. The way her lips moved with mine. It was like a puzzle and Luci was the missing piece. Suddenly, it all fell into place. She was my missing puzzle piece.

I felt Luci pull back. I opened my eyes and looked to her. She smiled at me before moving towards me once again. Our lips moved in sync with each other. She put her hands in my hair telling me not to stop. Suddenly, we heard a cough from behind us. We quickly parted to see Cam standing behind us. Damn. Busted.

"Wow, so you two," Cam started. I looked to Luci and she blushed a vibrant shade of pink before hiding her head in my chest. "What about you," I said nodding towards the girl that Cam was hand in hand with. "Well, this is Phoebe," Cam said introducing us to the short brown haired girl. "She's a family friend so that's how we met," Cam continued and Phoebe stared up at him with love in her eyes. "Sit with us?" Luci suggested. With that Cam and Phoebe were sat mimicking me and Luci with Phoebe sat leaning on Cam's chest with her body between his legs.


I booked my flight home. I would be there the day before Luci leaves so I have a whole day to make it up to her. I need her back.


Josh was so sweet. I was really starting to like him. Cody was almost a distant memory to me now. "I should be getting home," I said sadly. "I'll walk you," Josh said as I stood up. I held my hand out to help him up. "See you guys later," I said waving to Cam and Phoebe. "See you tomorrow," Cam said cheerfully.

Me and Josh walked hand in hand home until we reached my door. "Luci," Josh said stopping me before I opened my door. "What's up?" I asked. "I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on a date tomorrow evening?" Josh asked looking down to his feet. "Josh, I would love to, but you have to understand that I'm still moving to England," I said moving closer to him. He looked up, looked into my eyes and nodded. He came closer to me and planted another passionate kiss on my lips.

I kissed him back and felt him smile through the kiss. I giggled like a child and pulled away. "See you tomorrow," I said opening my front door. "I'll come pick you up with the boys in the morning," Josh said before waving and walking away. I watched him walk down the path before closing the door and heading to my room.

I got to my room and packed some more of my things into boxes. Slowly my room was disappearing into boxes. It was like leaving England all over again but this time I'm going back to England. After giving up packing I got changed into my pyjamas and climbed into bed. It was getting late so I turned out my light and closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning I was woken up by people jumping on me. I moaned in annoyance and they stopped. "Get up!" They all shouted. "No!" I shouted back before the duvet was rudely ripped from me and three smiling faces looked down to me. I glared at them in disgust. "Give me my duvet!" I said almost shouting. "Nope, come on," Josh said lifting me out of bed before setting me on my feet.

I smiled at Josh before heading to my wardrobe. "What do I need to wear today?" I asked the boys. "What ever you like," Jake replied. With that I found my pink floral skater skirt, a white vest top, my pink long necklace and a pink flower headband. I grabbed my clothes before heading to the bathroom to change.

I changed, brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading back into my room. The boys had all gone so I turned on my music and sat at my dressing table. I applied minimal make up and started to loosely curl my hair. I noticed my door start to slowly and Josh wandered into my room with two glasses of Apple juice. He set one down in front me and sat on my bed with the other! I thanked him and finished my hair.

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