[3] Star spangled man

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She was the last one. Thats it.
I survived.
My cell door opened but my eyes were still glued to the ceiling.
"Experiment 14, I knew it! You are the one and only perfect soldier for us!" Said Dr. Famas as he walked trough the door. "Since the loss of our Winter Soldier we really have been lacking on the perfect new fighter for us." he said looking down to me. I slowly stood up, knowing he wanted to inspect my hands.
He took them again & looked at them.
"What now?"
I mumbled looking at him.
"Now you are ready for your first mission."
Dr. Famas said in fascination.
All of a sudden a loud noise came from the corridor and he turned around in confusion. A guard came in and yelled "Doctor, we're being attacked! We have to get you out of-" but he got interrupted when a shield hit his head.
"Oh no."The doctor said while he grabbed my arm and headed to the door. But before we could escape a man with a helmet and a suit with a star on it stood in our way.
"Sorry doc, but I think you have something that isn't yours."
he said confident and punched him in the face, knocking Dr. Famas out. Suddenly I heard a muffled voice coming from the man with the shield.
"Yes Natasha, its her. I'm gonna bring her to the helicopter."
He said while he held his hand to his ear. I instinctively wrapped my hand around his neck and pushed him against a wall.
Almost before I wanted to
shock him he said
"I know what you're capable of Claire. But its okay. I'm gonna get you out of here."
I stopped. Claire. Is that my name?

I stopped tightening my hand around him and he spoke again
but in a more comforting way                
"Its okay, we're gonna get you out of here." But as soon as my hands got away from him I felt a sting in my neck.
"I was getting impatient."
said a women but her voice got more quit until everything was silent and my vision went black.

Steves POV.:

"That was a bit too soon. I wanted to explain it to her."
I said to Natasha that stood behind Claire.
"Well we are not here to talk. Our mission was to get her alive out of here." She responded annoyed while I picked the girl up and threw her gently over my shoulder.
I could feel her ribs. Hydra probably let her starve in this prison.
Then I heard Clint through my earpiece. "Guys get out of there before this thing blows up."
I responded "We got Claire and we're coming out. Was she the last experiment in the building?"
Natasha nodded while she said              "Yes the others were already dead. They looked pretty messed up."
I got a bit angry as I thought about what Hydra must have done to them. At least we got someone out of this hell hole.

Experiment 14Where stories live. Discover now