[5] A new Life

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A few weeks later

Claires POV.:

This week was one of the most strange weeks ever.
I got tested on, that was normal and I was used to it but I also gained Tonys and Steve trust.
I didn't attack anyone because they didn't ordered me to.
They actually never told me exactly what to do, they just helped me with being able to control my powers, getting better at fighting and handling a gun.
Steve introduced me to Sam, Natasha, Clint, Rhodey, Wanda and Vision.
They were overall very nice people and when they found out about my ability they thought about making me into an Avenger.
I of course said yes because I knew I wasn't ready for the real outside World yet. I didn't think I could handle a casual Job where I didn't have to fight.
I also knew that my ability could get in the way of ever being normal. I just wasn't made for that.

"I know its gonna be weird living alone but if anything happens, I'm right next door."
Steve said interrupting my daydreaming and gave me a box with Clothes.
I just nodded and smiled at him.
As soon as I opened the door I saw that the apartment was already filled with furniture. I also realized that everything  Tony and Steve gave me was new.
I didn't own anything. I kinda panicked at the thought of living "alone".
I knew I had Steve as a neighbour but I never really lived in an apartment.
I never knew how to live without getting controlled by others or getting orders.
"Its small but its a good start and I can also give you a ride to the Avengers Tower every morning. But you'll have to get up early!"
He mentioned and I walked in until I got to the big window in the living room that was connected to the kitchen.
"Its fine. I don't think I'll sleep a lot anyway."
I said looking out.
He asked stepping next to me and I just nodded again.
"I know how hard that is."
After a minute of silence he got back to the door but before closing it, turned around and said
"Goodnight Claire. I hope you'll still get some sleep, tomorrow is gonna be your first day as an official Avenger."
When Steve left I got into my bedroom and dropped the box onto the floor.
I took the laptop Tony gave me out of the box and got back to the living room.
He showed me how to use it and I'm actually really good at handling technology.
I knew I've used it before. I just didn't know when and why.
I opened a file I got from Tony. It was my file.

Name: Harvey, Claire

Place of birth: Manhattan, NY

John Harvey DECEASED

       Rebecca B. Harvey DECEASED

       Both Date of Death Unknown

That was it. The rest was just blank and the only thing I knew was what my name was, where I came from and that my parents were dead.
The File also said that I went missing 3 years ago and it had a photo of me where I was smiling. It felt weird seeing a picture of me where I looked so normal and happy.
I looked younger and more carefree. I also noticed that I had clear skin.
Now my skin was full of little scars and bruises. I was so different back then.
I wish I could've been able to find more about me but there wasn't anything else.

It was like I never really existed.

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