[19] At Peace

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Luckily T'challa brought us to his place. It was huge. Right now I was practically running through the halls searching for a kind of patient room. As I finally found it I threw the door open.

"Please tell me this isn't true."
I said getting closer to Bucky.
"I need to Claire."
He just responded calm but I was still a bit shaken.
"You're really sure about this?"
Steve asked reassuringly.
"I can't trust my own mind. So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going under is the best thing, for everybody."
I scoffed shaking my head. He couldn't be serious. Steve needed him, I needed him.
"I'm sorry but I can't look at you getting freezed."
I said frustrated knowing I would want to stop it. He chuckled a bit looking to me again.
"So, this is it."

I didn't know how or why but suddenly I couldn't help myself. I got closer and just kissed him. For a moment I felt okay, better even but remembering that I'm not going to see him for a long time...
I pulled away and awkwardly coughed.
"Yep this is it. Uh-"
I could even here Steve chuckling at my awkwardness and I turned around glaring at him.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna come back again."
Bucky whispered and smiled a bit.
I nodded and looked back at Steve
"I'm gonna wait outside for you."
Then I slowly stepped away from Bucky and turned away as soon as I felt my eyes watering again.

A few hours later

I was in some room with Steve now looking out the window at the beautiful scenery of wakanda. All the nature really was beautiful.

"Are you okay?"
I asked looking at him.
"I don't know."
Steve replied shrugging but then changing the subject
"He really liked you, you know."
I turned back to the window shaking my head.
"Shut up."
I smiled at him as he chuckled.

Suddenly I heard T'challa coming from behind us.
"Thank you for this."
Steve said still looking at the scenery.
"Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace..."
"You know if one of them finds out he's here, they're gonna come for you." Said Steve turning to him.
"Let them try."

I smirked at T'challas confidence.

Mila Starks POV.:

"What do you mean you don't know where he is? He was with you in the helicopter and then he was just gone?!" I groaned frustrated.
I was talking on the phone to the pilot who was supposed to bring Tony here.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Stark but-"
"You know what forget it. He's gonna come home or I'm going to bring him home."
I was just about to end the call but then continued
"Oh, and next time you fly someone back. Don't lose them on the way home."

"You know it's not the pilots fault that Tony jumped out of the helicopter?"
Melody asked sarcastically sitting down on my bed.
She and I became good friends since her Spiderboy-friend came here, so we spent a lot of time with each other when he was training.

"I know, I know but it's just- I worry about him a lot. The last few weeks he's been so done and stressed out. We barely saw each other."
I explained sitting down next to her. She padded my back in a comforting way saying
"He's gonna come back, don't worry. I mean he's Tony freaking Stark."
I chuckled at her comment but got interrupted by F.R.I.D.A.Y's Voice.
"Mrs. Stark you're brother arrived. He's heading to the kitchen."

Immediatley jumping off I jogged to the kitchen hearing Melody yell
"I'm just going to wait here than!"

I stopped walking, shocked seeing him like this. I saw all of his bruises and cuts everywhere, since he now just had a T-Shirt and pants on.
"What did you do?"
I finally asked getting a bit sad by looking at him this broken.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
He sighed walking to the fridge.
"Tony are you serious? I worried about you. I didn't know where you were or what you were doing."
My brother still didn't talk, grabbing a whiskey and pouring it into a glass.
"Fine, then don't talk to me. I'm gonna show you how it feels to be left like that."

I turned around wanting to walk away but then he mumbled

"Even my own blood leaves me."
Sighing I walked back to him.
"Tony, what did you do?
"I know who killed mom and dad."
"What-what do you mean? I thought it was a car crash."
He shook his head looking like he was about to cry. It was so long ago but it still left scars on both of us. I came closer and pulled him into a hug.
"Who was it?"
I whispered feeling my eyes watering too.

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