[20] One more Night

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Melodys POV.:

Me and Parker arrived back at his house and were greeted by a shocked Aunt May.
"What the hell happened to your eye?"
"Aunt may, calm down please!"
Peter responded already getting annoyed. May immediately hugged him and then inspected his eye.
"God I Iet you go away one time-"
"Aunt may!"Parker groaned.
I then decided to speak up.
"Oh well he's just a rebel!"
Aunt May suddenly turned to me, engulfing me in a thight hug too.
"Melody. He probably would have been even worse without you."
I chuckled at her response as she let me go. "Come in! I just made some food- but first we got to do something about that eye."

Me and Parker sat down on his bed while May went to get some ice.
Suddenly Peter pulled his sleeve down to reveal a weird looking watch.
"What the hell is that?" I whisper.
He looked back to me and said
"I don't really know. I mean Mr.Stark gave that to me and-"
He then pushed a button which made a signal come up to the ceiling.
"Bloody hell.."
I whispered looking at the ceiling. The signal looked pretty cool.
"So who was it who beat you up again?" Aunt May asked coming back. I quickly grabbed a pillow and pulled it over his arm.
"Who is Steve?"Aunt May asked again.
"You don't know him-"
"He's from Brooklyn!"
I interrupted Peter and chuckled a bit nervous. Aunt May just sighed and gave Peter some Ice for his eye.
"Thanks" Peter mumbled
and took it. As Aunt May left Peter turned to me and spoke up again.
"You know I couldn't have done this without you."
I smiled responding
"Yes you could. You're the one with the superpowers, not me."
My phone suddenly vibrated showing a message from my mom.

(Are you back? How was the flight?)

"Was that your mom?"
I sighed and nodded. I didn't really wanna leave yet.
"You know, If you want to- I mean If that isn't a problem- You could, umm..."
I rolled my eyes sarcastically while crossing my arms.
"Stay? Just one more night?"
I smiled while nodding and responded to my moms text.

(Sorry the flight got delayed. Coming tomorrow night!)

I hated lying to her but she wouldn't let me stay if she knew.

"Cool." Peter let out a breath smiling like a dork.
"So what are we gonna watch tonight?" He asked changing the subject.
"Uh, 10 Things I hate about you!"
I answered excited.
"Noo, we already watched that like a hundred times. And also it's really cheesy." Peter said.
"Oh come on, no it's not! You love that movie!"
"Alright." He answered defeated.
Our conversation was dying down I got out my phone and checked my messages.
Then I felt Peter starring. I chuckled looking back to him.
He asked.
"You're starring again."
"I'm sorry I just-"
Peter scooted closer to me and took one of my hands.
"I just can't stop thinking about the day I was at the airport."
I looked at him worried.
"Oh my God, nothing too bad happened right?"
He chuckled making me confused.
"No. I mean when you came and kissed me."
I didn't know what to say at that point so I just looked at him. Waiting for something to happen.
And it did.
He grabbed my face and kissed me.
As our kiss ended he stuttered again.
"Do you-I mean just if you want to-"
I giggled and interrupted his attempt at asking me out.
"Yes, I'd love to."

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