[16] My turn

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A while later

Parker was outside again and I was still wandering around looking for some of Steve's people until I heard Peters Voice trough my earplug.
"Hey Harvey, I can see two of the others in the main hall!"
"Okay I'm almost there."
As soon as I ran around a corner I saw Sam and Bucky running too.
When Parker landed against the glass wall of the airport I heard Bucky ask
"What the hell was that?"
Sam just replied annoyed
"Everyone's got a gimmick now."

I was pretty out of breath but slowed down a bit when I saw Peter crashing through the window and kicking Sam away.
Bucky wanted to throw a punch but Peter catched it.
"Woah, you have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!"
As I almost reached Sam his wings opened and he flew into the young boy and started fighting in the air.

Now it was my turn.

Bucky was walking towards a big metal sign and broke it off.
What the hell was he doing?
I grabbed his arm and he quickly turned around to throw another punched but realized it was me.
"What do you think you're doing?"
I asked but he just looked between me and Sam who was still flying around with Peter fighting.
"I'm so sorry."
Bucky said and kicked my side.
When I landed on the floor he grabbed the metal sign and threw it to Parker.
He still had his attention to the Spiderboy but I took the opportunity to kick him in the back. Bucky quickly stood up and grabbed my wrist to pretend me from punching him.
"Stop fighting against us. You don't have to do this."
He looked at me almost desperate but suddenly the big metal sign was coming back our way.
I heard Parker yelling
"Hey buddy, I think you lost this!"
I ducked and dragged Bucky out of reflex down with me.
The Sign flew over our heads and he looked back to Sam again.
Bucky was distracted still holding my wrists. I felt the electricity coming through me and then
I gave him a shock.
He winced and fell to his knees.
"No you're wrong. I have to do this..."
I responded cold.
I had a mission and he wasn't going to stop it.
He looked back to me with a sad look but then Bucky stood up and shoved me back. Then he ran to Sam who stood in front of another glass wall.
In that moment Parker crashed into both of them and they both fell down the first floor of the airport. Peter then made them stuck to the floor.
He got himself back on a metal bar pretty far up again and looked down to them.
I slowly got up and walked to the edge of where Bucky and Sam fell down.
Parker started talking again
"Guys, look. We'd love to keep this up but we've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so I'm really sorry-"
But he got interrupted from a weird looking drone that got to him and threw him out the airport.
I was still surprised but heard Sam and Bucky talk.
"You couldn't have done that earlier?"
"I hate you."
Replied Sam but then I held my hand against the earpiece to turn it on again and got closer to the glass wall he just went trough.
I asked. No respond.

When I got back to the edge I saw that Sam and Bucky were almost done getting out of the web.
"Can't you guys just turn yourself in? Don't make it worse than it has to be."
I yelled down. I knew I couldn't jump and I wasn't going to get down fast enough.
But I knew that they won't get that far when I have the help from the rest of the team.
"Sorry but we won't let someone control us. I remember when you thought the same,
but people change I guess."
Sam replied as they ran away.

Now I stood alone again in the middle of an airport.
I didn't wanted to do this anymore. It didn't feel right. I looked down to my feet. The ground was covered with pieces of broken glass.
I was so done with this situation, I really wondered how the others on my team seemed almost normal. Like they didn't felt weird fighting against their own family.
They probably did, but they just did what they had to.
But for me those people were the only family I've got left.

Tonys voice frightened me when I was lost in thought.
"Claire? You okay?"
"Of course."
I sighed looking back out the windows of the airport.
"I need you to go to the small plane or helicarrier or whatever that thing is. If Steve and the others are gonna make it there you are our last chance!"
I replied nervous and looked around.
Then Tony told me which plane they wanted to get to and I headed there.

I walked down some stairs and opened a door to a room that almost looked like a big garage, in the middle of it was the small plane thing Tony talked about. But as I got closer to it i noticed that the garage was open and the view shocked me.
Everybody stood lined up next to each other but in two Teams apart.
Suddenly they started running towards each other and I turned on my earpiece again.
I finally found Parker in all the mess who spoke up.
"They aren't stopping!"
"Neither are we."
I heard Tonys serious voice respond.

Parker was probably as nervous as I at that point but I was lucky that I didn't had to engaged as much as him yet.

I gasped when I saw everybody started fighting.

Even Parker was trying to stop Steve with his webs. After a while of fighting Scott suddenly got huge.
I turned on my earpiece again and heard Rhodey that Antman suddenly threw away.
"Okay tiny dude is big now!"
But Spiderman catched him with the webs and yelled.
"I got it!"
Scott also kicked a truck towards T'Challa but Vision stopped it and flew right through it.

Now I could see Bucky and Steve getting closer, while Scott distracted everyone by throwing pieces of the plane around.
Finally Vision noticed Bucky and Steve almost 'escaping' and cuts with his lazer through a tower from the airport.
I could see Cap and Buck slowing down while the building started falling down but then Wanda stopped it as much as she could. Struggling she held up her hands and let her power do the work.

I was still behind the plane when Steve and Bucky made it in the last second.
Suddenly I heard Tony through my earpiece.
"Your turn Harvey!"
Then I came out of my hiding spot and walked to the front of the little plane.
"Where do ya think your going?"
I asked as confident as possible to cover my nervousness.
Bucky and Steve turned around.

"Come on Claire! You know that this is important, please don't make me fight you."
Steve came a few steps closer.
"No, if you do this it's just going to show that you aren't better than the bad guys."
I argued but this time Bucky stepped closer.
"Is that what the Starks told you?"
I scrunched up my brows in confusion.
"You know exactly what I mean. You're not doing this for you, you're doing it because they made you believe it's right."
Bucky continued saying.
"That's not true."
I responded but got interrupted when T'Challa came through the cracks of the building that was in front of the 'garage'. He started running towards Bucky but he turned around and blocked his punches while I walked to Cap.
I lunched forward while he was still distracted and punched him in the Jaw.
He got himself together again and ducked my next punch.
This time I wrapped my hand around his throat and wanted to stop him but heard Bucky yell.
"Don't! You hate using your power. Especially on your friends, I know that!"
I looked to the left and saw T'Challa unconscious on the ground while Bucky slowly walked towards me.
"You don't know anything about me."
I responded almost angry even though he was true.

But I couldn't let them escape again. Tony would be so angry at me. There wasn't a way out of this without using my powers.

"Okay maybe the regret I saw in you when you used it before wasn't real but Steve told me that you didn't wanted to get controlled. That's exactly what Tony and the others are doing to you."
At this point he stood next to me and I was still glued to Caps throat.
I don't know why but I started calming down and slowly releasing him.
"You can still come with us and end this."
He added and now Cap was released completely.
If I'm not going to stop them anyway I'm at least doing what I want to do.

I remembered why I was against the Accords in the first place and how I actually felt good when I was around them before.
"What? Are you really coming with us?"
Steve said confused.

"We're going to stop that freak but then you'll need to do something for me..."

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