[17] One less problem

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Peters POV.:

I came up with the idea to tie the giants feet together but unfortunately he slapped me away.
Suddenly I was on the ground and my mask was almost off.
Then someone approached me and I flipped out, thinking it was another one from the "bad guys" but when he grabbed me I heard Tonys familiar voice.
"Calm down."
I relaxed a bit and said
"Oh hey man! I-I was scared you know?"
"Yeah, you're done. Alright?"
Mr.Stark sighed still holding my wrist.
No, no, no this was what me and Melody came to Germany for? Even though...

I kinda missed her.

"You did a good job but-"
"Wha- I'm fine!"
I replied as confident as I could.
"Stay down or I'm gonna call aunt may."
Mr. Stark said annoyed and backed away.
"I'm not done!I'm not done!"

I mean- I really needed to see her. Especially after what just happened.

"Okay, I'm done. I'm done."

Slowly lying down again I sighed. I ripped my mask off and looked around for a bit.

Oh- What about Claire?
I tapped on my earpiece.

"Hey Harvey, you okay?"

Somewhere on the way to the Siberian Hydra facility

Claire POV.:

I heard Parkers voice coming trough. I wasn't sure If I should respond, especially after what just happened.
Looking to the front of the plane were Steve and Bucky sat I stood up and walked more to the end of the plane.

"Yeah, I'm good."
I whispered.
"Where are you? Did you- did you stop them?"
"Uh- I think the connection in here is pretty bad. I can't- can't really hear you."
I lied and turned of my earpiece. Then I took it out and broke it.
Maybe Tony knew how to track this thing down. I mean he is Tony Stark.

"Who was that?"
I jumped a bit when I heard Bucky behind me and turned around.
"God- Do you always sneak up on people?"
He just chuckled but then got more serious.
"That was Peter but don't worry I didn't tell him anything."
"Wait was that the Spider guy?"
I chuckled a bit and replied with a nod.
"He was pretty young for this kind of mission."
"I know-" I walked more to the front of the plane, Bucky following me and continued loud enough for Steve to hear.
"But he's really good at what he does and for him it wasn't that serious. For him- He didn't know you guys. For Parker you were just the bad guys."
Steve turned around for a second and then back to flying saying
"Apparently Tony seems to think that way now too."

"We're almost there."
Bucky pointed to a grey building that came trough all the snow.
I just realized that I've never seen so much snow in my life.
Staring outside for a while I tried to focus on the scenery, I didn't wanted to think about the other things anymore.

"Is everything okay?"

When I turned to Buck he was already looking at me.

"Uh- I've never seen so much snow before. The Hydra facility I was in was in the woods. They- they also never let me out of the building until Steve came..."
I told him and he just gave me a sad smile.
"For me it was the total opposite, well the name kind of gives it."
He said looking out of the window again.
The Winter Soldier, oh.
I've forgot for the longest time that I was scared of him when I was still experiment 14.

Then we came closer to the ground and landed. Bucky walked to the weapons and grabbed a gun.
The back of the plane opened up while Steve and Bucky got next to each other again and talked.
They even smiled a bit, while I was just focused on staying calm.

I looked to the ground again and sighed. I hope this mission will be over soon.

We got into the facility and found an elevator. As we were in the elevator no one spoke a word.
When it stopped we walked into a dark room, I got more nervous because it reminded me of the old hydra days. I walked slower and got to some stairs.
Suddenly a voice came from the elevator behind us and we immediately turned around. Bucky with the weapon in his hand, Steve shielding us and me behind Bucky with no other weapon than my power.

Steve broke the silence.
Bucky whispered and I just nodded.

The elevator door opened up and we saw Tony with the whole Ironman suit coming in. His helmet opened up while he stepped closer and I gasped.

He couldn't be here, how did he know?

"Ross has no Idea and I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise I'm gonna arrest myself."
Tony stated leaning against a wall but then Steve walked closer to him.
"Well that sounds like a lot of paperwork."
Earning a humorless chuckle from him.
"It's good to see you Tony."
Steve continued saying.
"You too Cap. Oh and Claire-"
He looked to me and I gulped.
I really didn't need more stress right now, but then he suddenly talked to Bucky.
"Uh- Can you not- You're killing me. There's a truce here, you can drop-"
Tony sighed and shook his head coming closer to us.
He wanted Bucky to drop the gun but he didn't until Cap said so.

"Claire was that your plan all along? Acting like you-"
Eventhough Bucky lowered his gun he was still standing infront of me.
Tony coughed to signalize that Bucky should step aside. Warily Bucky took a step away but turned to me.

"Um- No I don't..."
I stuttered when literally everyone was looking at me.
"I never had a plan okay? This whole thing was- I would have never thought it would end like this."
I sighed looking down to my feet.

Tony nodded stepping closer and putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I know it had to be hard for you but I understand, it's alright."

I looked up at him again.

Well now I had one less thing I to worry about. At least I wouldn't lose a friend again.

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