[18] See you again

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We were still walking through the dark halls of the facility until Tony, that was walking infront of us, using his repulser as a flashlight, spoke up.
"We got heat signatures."
"How many?"
Asked Steve that was walking beside me.
"Uh, one."

Suddenly Voice spoke but I couldn't focus on it because I was too focused on the room that we arrived in.
The room had the rest of the experiments or "Winter Soldiers" in it, but dead.

"They died in their sleep. Do you really think I wanted more of you?"
The Voice started talking again and I got colder to the bodies. Getting closer to them I felt uneasy. I could have been one of them.

"-I'm grateful for them tough. They brought you here."

As he and Tony were talking I tried recognizing the Voice, it sounded so familiar.

"I bet I could beat that."
"Of course Mr.Stark but then you would never know why you came."
Then Steve started talking again.
"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?"
All of a sudden a light turned on showing Zemo in a room with a little window.
"I'm here because I made a promise."
"You lost someone."
Steve claimed but Zemo ignored his comment.
"An empire toppled by it's enemies can rise again- but one that crumbles from within...that's dead, forever."

Now a little screen turned on that said 16 / December / 1991 and everyone got closer to it. 
As Tony stepped closer he said
"I know that road. What is this?"

I didn't know what to expect, but I definitely didn't expect this.
It showed a car crashing into a tree and a dark figure that stopped next to it with a motorcycle.
He got closer to it as a man came out of the car. The dark figure killed him by punching him over and over again. As someone else screamed the dark suited man got to the other side of the car and strangled the woman.
At the end you could clearly see Bucky looking at the camera and shooting it.

I looked back to Bucky, he didn't even look at the screen anymore, feeling guilty for what he had done.
He just stared at the ground. When I turned to Tony I finally understood what was going on.

A few months back when this mess hadn't started, I was reading files from every Avenger to get to know them better. Tonys file said that his parents died in a car crash, but this video showed that it wasn't just another car crash.

It really was Bucky who did it.

Tony turned to Steve shocked.
"Did you know?"
"I didn't know it was him."
He tried to explain but then Tony ignored it turning to me.
"Stop lying- Did you know too?"
"No I didn't, trust me. I wouldn't lie about this."
I stuttered a bit but looking at him promising.
"She's right, she didn't know."
Steve said sighing and
looked to Bucky continuing
"But I did."
Tony scoffed and then hit Steve.
As he fell to the ground Bucky raised his gun but Tony smacked it away. Before I wanted to stop this I turned around quickly I saw Zemo leaving.
When I turned back around I saw Stark grabbing Buckys throat as he flew up and smashing him back to the ground.
Okay this was enough.
I ran to them and tried grabbing Stark but he punched me. As I fell to the ground Steves shield flew to Tony but he smacked it away too.
There wasn't anything that was going to stop him from trying to kill Bucky.
Suddenly Steve punched him but Tony got back up.
"Guys this isn't right. This wasn't why we're here. Zemo is escaping and-"
"You should get out kid."
Tony stated cold not even looking at me.
"What no-"
I felt like a kid saying it but I really didn't wanted this to go the wrong way.

As I looked between all of them I stopped at Bucky, he just looked at me like he wanted me to get out of this.

"This isn't your fight Claire."
Tony spoke up again but harsher. I closed my eyes sighing.
"Don't even dare let me see someone not coming back-"
I choked out but walked away.
I didn't turn around knowing I would step in again.

I finally got out of the facility, I stopped looking at the big amount of snow surrounding me. Suddenly I saw a black suited man in the far.
I walked closer until I recognized it to be T'Challa.
"Shit" I whispered looking around for something to hide behind.
He turned around spotting me immediately but walking into the other direction.
"What the-"
I mumbled thinking he wanted to fight me. Getting curious as to where he was heading I walked slowly behind him.

Then I saw a man sitting on the ground, having his back turned to us.

I recognized the stranger as Zemo as I got closer and balled my fist tighter.

I wanted to kill him for all of the things he had done.  But as I walked closer T'Challa put his hand infront of me.
He took his mask off and placed it on the ground.
"I was going to kill the wrong man."
"Hardly an innocent one."
Zemo replied to T'Challa making me even more mad.
"This isn't his fault."
I said getting angrier but then T'Challa talked again stepping closer to Zemo.
"You only wanted to see how we rip each other apart."
Zemo still wasn't looking at us but told us about his wife and son. His mood dropped even more when he told us that they both died in the fight that happened in Sokovia.

He swallowed blinking away the tears.

"And the Avengers, they went home. I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried but if I could bring them to kill each other...
I'm sorry about your father, he seemed a good man, with a beautiful son."

I knew I shouldn't but I felt bad for him. I guess every villain has a story.
Eventhough he isn't a villain, he just wanted revenge.

"Revenge has consumed you. It's consuming them- and I'm not letting it consume me"
T'challa explained making me even more mad.
"You can't be serious. I respect you, I really do T'challa but we can't just let him live-"
"I will take him somewhere else. He isn't going to get away that easy, trust me. Justice will come soon enough."
I sighed knowing his decision was right eventhough I wanted to shred Zemo to pieces for what he had done.

But then Zemo turned the gun to himself.

"Tell that to the dead."

T'challa quickly blocked the bullet with his hand and threw his arm around his throat.

"The living isn't done with you yet."

I walked closer snatching his gun away and throwing it away.
"I'm sorry for what happened to you Zemo but you really shouldn't have done this."
I said glaring at him again but he looked away almost ashamed.

Back at the hydra facility

I decided going back. I couldn't stop myself anymore.
As I walked into the room I saw them at the end of the big room.
Steve had Buckys arm around his shoulder and dropped his shield.

I stopped when I was near enough to see the mess infront of me.
Everybody looked so beat up and even Buckys arm was ripped off.

Steve slowly started walking away not even once looking at me.
I was still in shock when I saw Tony broken on the ground but got closer to him.
He was still looking at the blank walls on the ground as I got on my knees next to him on the ground.

"I'm sorry Tony."
"I heard that too often today."
He sighed.
"Come on, let's go home."
I choked out as I felt my eyes watering.
"They are your home. You chose them first, even twice and that's not going to change."
"I'm not gonna leave you alone."
I replied looking at him desperately. I wanted this day to end so bad.

"It's okay kid. Just go."

I scoffed in more of a sad way because I really felt like he treated me like his little sister. Standing up and walking to the exit I said one last time

"We're gonna see each other again, trust me."

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