[8] Sokovia Accords

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At the Avengers Tower

Claires POV.:

We got to our destination and walked in while the Avengers were still talking.
They didn't heard us but I listened to some of their conversation while I entered the room. Sam and Rhodey were in a pretty headed argument until Vision got in too.
All of a sudden Tony spoke up and talked about a kid who died in Sokovia while, I quote, they "we were kicking ass.".
He wanted everyone to agree to those Accords so bad. I still didn't got the whole thing. Trough the Argument I started realizing that the Sokovia Accords were about a contract the Avengers had to sign so the UN panel could control where and when they should take actions
"...We may not be perfect but the safest hands are still our own."
Steve said at the end of his little 'speech' and I agreed. I didn't like the Idea of people controlling me again. If I was even meant to sign them. I wasn't sure of that either.
The argument was over and Tony had now Natasha on his side.
But suddenly Steve took out his phone and excused himself.
Everyones eyes followed him as he left the room.
Then they finally saw us- or just me, I just realized that Mila left.

"And there's finally the little one!" Tony said sarcastically.
Sam also spoke up.
"Where were you? You weren't at the meeting."
I came closer to them and stated
"Steve told me after the thing in Lagos that I should stay back for awhile."
Tony scoffed and then asked sarcastically
"You get holidays after your first missions? Oh I how I wish I was in your shoes right now. But who send you here? My sister?"
I just nodded and then Natasha started talking.
"Did you already get the information about the Accords?"
And I answered while crossing my arms.
"Yes, but do I even have to sign them? I'm not a big part of the Team."
But then Rhodey spoke up
"Of course you're a part of this. So, what are you gonna do?"
Everybody looked at me now. I tried to look calm but I was actually really stressed out.
"I'm gonna have to agree with Cap. I swore to myself that I don't ever want to get controlled again."
At that Tony rolled his eyes but Sam gave me a genuine Smile.
"Good, that's what I'm talking about." he said.
"You know what I actually need to go right now, we all have to talk about this later."
Stark said interrupting Sam.
A lot of them left but Wanda still sat there.
"Hey, what do you think?" I asked while sitting down next to her.
"I don't know, what am I supposed to think?" she said staring at the ground.
I tried to talk again but I realized she was almost about to cry.
She got up and just said "I'm sorry I really need to go."

I watched as she left. Now I was sitting there alone again.
I knew I was part of the Avengers but I never felt like I had a Family.
Especially now that they were slowly tearing apart.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and saw Sam coming into the Room again.
He stopped in front of me.
"I know we're all kind of done but you seem a bit more uneasy today."
"Well I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Or what I'm supposed to do."
I stood up and looked at him.
"I know it must be hard for you getting back into a new Life like this but if you ever need something I'm here for you."
I smiled and thanked him. Then I asked concerned
"What is up with Steve? Is everything okay?"
He just shook his head and replied
"I don't know but I'll let you know about him"
I nodded and we both walked out.

I needed to get back to Mila again, maybe she knew what would be the best for me.

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