[1] Where Am I?

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I felt numb and pain at the same time.
I know it sounds confusing but there's no other way to describe it.
I slowly opened my eyes and
took in my surroundings.
It looked like I was in a cell and I carefully got up from the cold floor.
I couldn't remember how and why I got here. All of a sudden a metal door opened and a man with a white lab coat walked in.
"Hello Fräulein, how do you feel?"
He says and slowly walked in.
"Where am I?" I mumbled, even though my throat hurt like hell.
"Doctor, I wouldn't get too close to her, she could still be dangerous." said another man walking into the cell who had dark clothes on and was armed.
Now I got more and more confused.
"Don't worry,
she doesn't remember anymore."
replied the man in the lab coat.
"Where am I?" I said again,
a bit louder and got on my feet.
I felt my hands tingle and I slowly walked closer to both men.
"You're in our recovering room. I,
Dr. Famas, saved your life."
The man in the lab coat, Dr. Famas, said. I stared at the ceiling now.
Why did I almost die? Why did he save me in the first place?
And another Question that scared me the most came into my head.
I should know the answer but I didn't:
"Who am I?" I asked confused.
"You are experiment 14, one of the last experiments that are alive."
Dr. Famas answered
with fascination and grabs my hands,
tilting them slightly to the side.

Experiment 14Where stories live. Discover now