[7] Mistakes

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Claire POV.:

I was walking around Lagos trying to act as normal as I could.
There was a big amount of people really close around me.
Those people didn't even know what was going to happen in the next minutes or hour. They were just going through their everyday life.
I took a couple of deep breaths to relax myself and focused on my earpiece again but I couldn't quite handle that thing yet. It always fell out or the connection broke.
I heard a bit of the conversation Steve, Sam, Natasha and Wanda had but I couldn't understand everything.
I also became pretty anxious. I don't remember ever being surrounded by so many people and being in a city like this.
But then Steves voice pulled me out of my thoughts again.

"Sam, Claire? He's in an AFB heading North."
Sam responded to him immediately
"I've got four. They're splitting up."
Rogers Voice came on again.
I quickly gathered my thoughts and replied as calm as I could
"Yeah I'm here."
But Natashas Voice interrupted me.
"I got the two on the left."
Since everybody was doing there business and I just heard grunts and muffled Voices, I decided to search for Wanda even though it was almost impossible because of the crowd of people that surrounded me.
Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar Voice coming through my earplug.
"There you are you son of a bitch. I've been waiting for this."
It was a rough voice man Voice. It was probably Crossbones.
Then I saw Wanda from far away, taking off her Cap she previously had on to hide her face. I sped up my paste but heard the same rough voice again.
"Your pal, your buddy, your bucky. He recognized you."
Then my earpiece disconnected completely.
I tapped it a few times but then decided to give up.
All of a sudden Wanda walked away and I watched her getting more tense.
I ran to her and watch as she tried to lift up Crossbones with her Powers.
He was pressing a button to what I assumed activate a bomb.
I could see the Scarlett Witch struggling but she continued lifting him up.
All of a sudden the bomb still got off and exploded right next to a building.
Everything felt like it went in slow motion. I just heard the cries and screams from other people.
Wanda stood there speechless and put her hand over her mouth, close to tears.
I built the courage to walk up to her and hug Wanda.
I felt so bad for her. And I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"It's not your fault."

But she just stood there stone still while the building went up in flames.

A few days later

After the Events in Lagos Rogers told me to take a break from all the missions.
He tought I could need some time to figure myself out.
But I didn't know how. I didn't know where to start searching for something that seemingly didn't exist.
The past days I've just been at a little coffee shop and a library.
There wasn't much to do for me. I've never felt like I had a "Purpose" other then the missions. It was what Hydra trained me to do.
Steve still believed that I  could get triggered to remember something but I knew that Hydra successfully wiped me.

Then I received a call from Mila, I answered it immediately.
"Claire, I need to talk to you. Mr. Ross was here today about some kind of Accords. You really need to get here."
I thought about it, what were these Accords about?
"Of course. But it's going to take a while, I don't have a car."
I just heard her grunt and then Mila said
"No way am I going to wait for half an hour. I'm gonna pick you up. See you in a bit."

A few minutes later

I was just browsing through the internet on my Laptop as I heard a knock.
When I got up and opened the door I didn't just see Mila.
There was also a boy standing behind her that wasn't familiar.
In a typical Stark-kind of-way Mila just got inside and started rambling about
how much Traffic there was. Then the guy awkwardly came in and I closed the door and she stopped walking around the room and said
"Oh yeah and thats my boyfriend, Calum."
"Nice to meet you." I greeted him and he just gave me a short "Hey".
"Do you guys want to drink something? Or maybe sit, you really seem stressed, Mila."
I asked. Mila stood next to her boyfriend and grabbed his hand and huffed.
"Yeah I'm pretty frustrated. Everyone is arguing about those Accords. But we can't stay here, we really need to get you back to the Tower."
I nodded and got into my bedroom to get a Jacket.

Then we walked down the staircase to her black Range Rover that was parked infront of the building. Mila and I were seated in the front and Calum in the backseat.
"Before we get there I need to drop him of at his apartment, I hope you're okay with that?"
She asked and I just nodded again.

After a while we got to Calums house and she went outside to the door with him. They talked for a while and then kissed.
I felt kind of jealous. I didn't mean that I like her boyfriend in that way.
I just really wanted a connection like that with someone.
Someone I can relay on 100% and be comfortable with.
But I knew I was just too different. My Story was too different.

My Thoughts got interrupted again when the little Stark got back in the car. After we drove again for a while she asked, what seemed really genuine.
"Is everything okay?"
She probably sensed my kind of sad mood but I didn't want to worry her right now. She already seemed so stressed about the whole Accords thing.
"Yeah, everything's fine."
I said and just looked back out the window.

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