[13] Changing the plan

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(AN: I'm not going to follow the exact timeline of the movie!
So this is going to be a bit different.
But anyway, Enjoy💞)

We now were supposed to meet the others.
They parked a white Van next to us and I saw Clint and Wanda coming out of it.
This time we all got out of the car but while Cap and Sam were closer to the Van me and Bucky stood more 'in the background' next to the oldtimer.
While I got out Steve was already talking to Clint.
"Oh and Harvey is here too."
Clint said and I waved at them.
Then Steve began talking again.
"And our other recruit?"
"Well he got a little bit of Coffee in him but he should be good!"
Clint responded while he opened the Van abruptly waking up Scott.
Scott walked out of the car and began rambling a bit while Clint just made him go up to Steve.
Then Scott face changed and he looked like a five your old kid on christmas while he shook Caps hand.
"Captain America?"
"Mr.Lang" Steve replied short.
"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long...-Wow this is awesome!
Captain America!"
He said again while pointing to Steve and then turned to Wanda.
"I know you too, you're great."
Scott then began talking to Sam about some Audition they met on but Steve interrupted.
"Did I tell you what we're up against?"
"Something about some psycho Assassin."
Scott responded confused.
Steve nodded and continued
"We're outside of the law on this one. So if you come with us you're a wanted man."
"Yeah uh, what else is new?"
Scott replied but then I spoke up.
"I don't mean to interrupt anything but shouldn't we get going?."
Then Scott turned his gaze to me.
"Oh, you're new."
"Name's Claire"
I said waving again.
"Okay good, we meet you guys tomorrow again."
Steve announced while we got back in the car.

"Where are we going now?"
Bucky asked when we were driving.
Sam looked back and explained
"We're gonna go to a Motel. We have to get some rest before we begin."
I just nodded and we made our way to a Motel.

A few hours later

We got two rooms in which both had two separate beds. I got a room with Sam because Steve was probably the only one Bucky could be comfortable sleeping in a room with.
I could here Sams loud breathing, that told me that he was already sleeping while I was just staring at the ceiling.
Even though I was exhausted I couldn't sleep.
I sat up and looked around the room.
When I looked at the table I saw the change we got from paying for the bedrooms.
I walked up to it and decided to go to the vending machine that stood in the hallway of the motel.
I felt like I didn't eat in days.
Right before I reached the machine I heard my phone ringing.
It was an unknown number calling but I still decided to pick it up.

"Claire? It's me Mila."
Said the little Stark.
I totally forgot about Mila after everything that happened. She was my friend and I didn't even told her what I was doing.
But I also couldn't because she was Tonys sister. He would've found out where we were.
But only a few people had my number. How did she figure out mine?
Did that mean that Tony could've been tracking my phone all the way?

"Where are you? Tony said you ran away after you got arrested."
She worried.
"I can't tell you. I'm sorry."
I said short. I didn't want to get everyone arrested.
"I know but I talked to Tony and he said he would drop the charges against you and talk you out of it if you would come back and sign the accords."
Mila argued but I still hesitated.
"I can't betray my friends."
"Are they, Claire?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are they really your friends or do they just want you on their Team because you have the whole shocking ability thing? You do know that you could get arrested because of them."
"This isn't about 'Teams' Mila. I just don't want to get controlled by the government."
"Now it is about choosing a side and if you don't get some rules then you aren't better than the bad guys you fight. Also it seems like they don't care if you get in danger if a fight happens between the Avengers or that you could end up in a little cell for years."
She said and now it was silent.

It was kind of true. I thought about it a lot if I actually want this or was just getting along because I could get arrested without them.
But now Mila could get me out of this and I could fight for the real good again, right?

"O-Okay. But you'll have to promise me that you won't try to track me or get any of the others involved in this okay?"
She let out a breath and responded
"Yes I promise. Just get to this location."
Then I got a message and it was a street name.
"Just get a taxi and meet me there. I'll pay the ride, don't worry."
"See you later."
I replied and hung up.
What was I doing? I just completely changed the plan.

"Who were you talking to?" A Voice said from behind me.
I quickly turned around and saw Bucky leaning against a wall. He is exactly what I didn't needed right know.
"To a friend. Shouldn't you be resting?"
I asked trying to change the subject and sound as normal as I could even though I was a bit nervous.
"Couldn't Sleep. What friend?"
Damn it. I didn't know what to say.
I just wanted to get out of this situation and get in a taxi.
"Mila Stark? Did you tell her where we are?"
Bucky asked getting off the wall and standing normal again.
"No I didn't, but I need to go. Tell Sam and Steve I'm sorry but I just-,
I just can't do it."
I responded looking back to my phone. I needed to call a cab.
"So you're just gonna run away?"
I looked up to Bucky again. Why did he care so much?
"No, I'm going back. Tony is going to drop the charges against me.
I could be-"
"But even if you go back you're gonna have to fight against us, you know."
Bucky stated. And now I was done.

It started with those damn Accords and now were here and are ready to fight against each other? It made me sick but I had to chose a side.
And I'm gonna take the right one.

"You know what? It really doesn't matter anymore. For you guys it's one less Team member you have to worry about and I'm out of the whole 'criminal' thing."
I replied annoyed, fed up with the whole thing. I felt kind of bad for how I put it but I didn't know what else to say anymore.
After a while of silence I sighed deciding to go and turned around but felt a hand grab my wrist.
"Just be careful."
Bucky said and I looked at him with slight confusion. I nodded as respond.
He let go of me and watched as I walked down the hall.

An hour later

I ended up as planned in a cab and drove until the car stopped in front of a street lamp.
"This is it." The cab driver said and I turned to him.
"My friend was going to pay so-"
I was interrupted when someone banged on my window.
I looked to my right and saw Mila waiting for me to open the door.
When I did she first greeted the cab driver and gave him the money. As soon as I got out of the cab Mila gave me a welcoming hug.
"Good that you're back."
"It's nice to see you too."
I responded smiling after we let each other go.
"Come on lets get you to our hotel."
"Good I'm actually really exhausted." responded while me made our way to her car.
I wasn't just exhausted from all the driving today but also from the spontaneous change of my plan.
Our plan.
Then Sam and Steve came in my head. Were they going to be disappointed?
Even mad at me?
Even though Bucky seemed nice and was okay with my decision. Maybe he didn't even really want me in the Team. I mean we barely knew each other.
He was still different, he was still stuck in my head.
But I had to get over it and do what was best for me.

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