[14] Spiderling?

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The next day

A loud knocking broke me out of my sleep. Mila groaned while she got up and walked to the door.
"Good morning! Just wanted to remind you-"
I heard Tonys Voice and opened my eyes to see him walking into the room.
"Wow, you really brought her back. Hey Harvey!"
Tony greeted me and turned back to Mila again.
"I wanted to remind you that we have to go pick up Parker."
The little Stark groaned.
"I already told you that I don't want to go. I want to stay here a few more days."
"But we're not gonna stay long in Queens!"
He argued.
"Who's Parker?"
Then Tony turned to me and got out his Phone.
"This Guy."
He opened a hologram that showed a Video with a guy in a red suit saving someone from falling while shooting webs out of his wrist.
"What the hell."
I mumbled while I sat up in my bed.
"If you don't want to go,"
he pointed to Mila and then continued with a slight smirk
"Maybe Harvey wants to come."
Then Mila looked at me with her eyebrows raised waiting for an answer.
"Why not?" I shrugged and added "I mean if there isn't anything else to do."
"Good girl, Mila is gonna get you to a cab and then we're gonna fly there in an hour."
He responded and got out the door. Mila scoffed.
"Have fun with my big brother in Queens."
I chuckled and got up to get dressed.


Melodys POV.:

Me and Peter just got out of an elevator and were just talking about school.
As we entered his apartment his Aunt asked the usual.
"How was school today?"
"Okay. Me and Melody saw this crazy car parked Outside.."
Then Peter stopped talking and I followed him into the living room to see Tony Stark next to Aunt May on the Couch. I could feel how Peter got nervous and was probably fangirling like crazy on the inside.
"Oh my god."
I mumbled and looked at Parker.
Then Stark spoke up
"Oh Mister Parker and..?"
I knew this had to be something important so I decided to get away to let them discuss everything and replied
"Melody Jackson but I'll wait for you in your room."
-and pointed to his bedroom.
I awkwardly left the living room letting myself down on his desk chair. I looked at some of his old Computers and other stuff that was on his desk. He was pretty obsessed with technology and now there was Tony Stark, THE freaking Ironman here.
But I still didn't get why he was here. He didn't find out about the Spiderman thing, right? Then the door opened and Tony and Peter came in.
Tony closed the door, locked it and spit the rest of Aunt Mays Food into a can.
"It wasn't bad but..."
He got closer but looked over me to the desk.
"Oh what do we have here? Richard Tech huh?"
Then he turned around again and opened a hologram with a video of Spiderman.
"That's you right?"
Peter just stuttered like always.
"Uh no. What do you.."
"No? Look at you go. Wow, nice catch 3.000 pounds 40 miles an hour.
Thats not easy."
Stark stated walking slowly around the room.
Then I decided to speak up for my best friend.
"I think you may have gotten the wrong adress. I mean-"
But Stark grabbed a Stick and poked it into the Ceiling, out of a little door came the suit Peter always wore but Parker ran to it and catched the suit.
"Uh that was..uh.." He mumbled turning around.
I just facepalmed myself. Now Tony definitely knew.
"So? You're the Spiderling. The Crime fighting Spider, you're Spiderboy."
Peter just crossed his arm and mumbled
"I'm Spiderman."
Then Mr.Stark turned away from him again inspecting the room like before.
"No in that Onesie you're not."
Parker looked at him almost annoyed.
"It's not a Onesie."
"Well there isn't really a shop around the corner that sells Superhero Suits so.."
I said sarcastically and Tony chuckled looking at me while he sat down.
"So your girlfriend here knows. Who elses does?"
Then Peter turned to me and back to Stark.
"Nobody and she isn't my girlfriend"
Parker replied laughing nervously but then Mr.Stark started talking again.
"No?Not even your unusually attractive aunt?"
"No, no, no. If she knew she would freak out and if she freaks out I.."
He started rambling again.
I smiled a bit, I thought it was cute when he rambled.
Tony picked up something and threw it to Peter.
"You know what  I think is really cool? This webbing."
Then he picked up his suit with the mask and looked through the glasses.
"Lordie, can you even see in these?"
I started chuckling while Parker took aways his mask and hid it in the closet.
"Yes, look I can. It's just what happened to me happened and my senses have been dialed to 11."
Peter leaned against the closet.

Suddenly we heard a noise coming from the window.
A girl sat outside on the fire escape staircase and knocked on the window.
"Oh god..Melody can you open the window for me?"
Tony asked rolling his eyes.
I hesitantly walked up to the window and opened it.
The stranger came in and Mr.Stark exclaimed
"I told you to wait in the car!"
"Yep but you didn't say it would take you hours. I got bored!"
She replied and then looked between me and Parker.
"So who is the one with the Spider senses?"
She added and Peter spoke up.
"Me but who the hell are you?"
She looked a bit offended but walked to Parker with her hand out.
"I'm Claire."
Claire smiled again and Peter shook her hand. Then it was like he got shocked, Parker winced and sat down on the bed holding his hand.
"I'm the girl who can shock people."
She explained and I started chuckling again.
"I already like you. I'm Melody by the way."
Claire greeted me with a quick "Hey" leaning against the window while I got back to the deskchair.
"So what I actually wanted to ask is-"
Tony said while he looked like he wanted to warn Claire not to interrupt him again.
"Why are you doing this? I gotta know. What gets you up in the morning?"
Peter looked back to Tony and replied.
"Because I've been me my whole Life and I've had these power since six months. When you can do the things that I can and don't- and then the bad Things happen- They happen because of you."
It was silent for a second until Claire spoke up.
"Wow, well that's a good reason."
Tony glared at her again but then he walked to Parker.
"I want to sit here, so move your leg."
Peter moved his legs and Tony sat beside him and continued
"Have you've ever been to Germany?"
"No but-"
Tony started talking again.
"Oh you're gonna love it."
Was he inviting Peter to Germany? Why would he do that?
"I can't go to Germany!"
I wanted him to go with Tony so I spoke up.
"Of course he does!"
Then Stark pointed to me.
"See even your girlfriend is okay with it! Why can't you come?"
"I got- I got homework.."
Peter stuttered and I groaned, was he seriously going to give up working with Tony Stark for homework?
Tony just rolled his eyes and responded.
"All right I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that."
"I'm being serious! I can't just drop out of school!"
Tony started walking to the door and mumbled
"Might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt hottie I'm taking-"
Suddenly Parker stood up while he shot out his webs and practically glued Starks hand to the Doorknob. Claire whistled impressed.
"Don't tell Aunt May!"
Tony nodded.
"All right Spiderman...Can you-?"
He pointed to the webs but then Claire spoke up.
"Okay then let's get going."
She stated walking towards the door.
After Peter got the webs off he turned to Claire and said
"You, get out from the window again or my Aunt is gonna get suspicious!"
Claire rolled her eyes and walked to the window.
"But you also have to promise me something."
Peter walked and stood next to me.
"And what?"
"That I can bring her with me."
I just looked at him surprised.
"Peter, no it's-"
"Okay but you can't fight or get in the middle of one and don't make out in front of me."
Tony replied while getting out the door.
"She isn't my girlfriend!"
Peter yelled while he followed Tony.
Now I was standing in his room with a big dorky smile.

I'm going to Germany with Peter!

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