Big House, Big Bulge

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I walked up to his large house, big enough to be a mansion.

This is LITERALLY in every single teen romance novel: nice ass houses. Everyone seems to be rich and living much nicer than everyone else.

Actually, how is everyone rich? There's probably only 10% of highschoolers that have dollar, dollar bills (unless you're at some preppy, rich snob school).

In most stories, the kid is living alone or their parents are always away. Dude, no teenager whose living on their own has enough money to afford a million dollar house; most would probably have just enough to get that very spacious apartment where the toilet is next to the kitchen sink.

You don't need a huge ass house for only one person to live in.

If you have a small house, it would be much more intimate (and not to mention realistic....)

You can also still throw a rager party in a smaller house. I mean, you might not be able to have a thousand people over, but let's be real, who actually has that many friends?

In all these stories the girl is impressed at the guy when she sees his giant AF house. Having a big house doesn't mean the dude has a big dick, maybe he's even overcompensating. He could also just be a rich asshole (but remember this is a Wattpad story where every bad boy secretly has a heart of gold.)

Having a nice house doesn't mean they're a nice person.

Written by: simtremblay 

Editor's Note:

Sorry for the delayed update!

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