The 100 Year Vacation; Wattpad Parents

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If you've had your fair share of Wattpad romances, you most likely have noticed the repetitive 'my parents left me alone in the house for a month so they could go to Germany' scenario.

In what world would a couple leave their 17 year old alone in their always-enormous mansion for months on end? "Oh, we forgot to tell you, we're going to Antarctica for 7 months. Be good while we're gone! We trust you completely."

Ah, trust.

We all know what happens next. House party? Go for it. Call my boyfriend over for some alone time? Sure! No parents around after all! 

We all know how unrealistic Wattpad can be, but this situation has been overworked way too many times. Its okay. I get it. You want to get on with the romance with parents out of the way. But you can make it a little more believable! Just get creative. I can't emphasize that enough!

I mean, if you're really that desperate, KILL THEM. A car crash would be more believable than this crap.

Or how about some rebellion? Instead of parents off in some foreign country, your main character could escape out the window to meet up with friends.

I would much rather read this: I glanced behind one last time, to make sure no one was in the hallway as I leap over the window sill onto our low hanging roof. I gave my friends a thumbs up, before sliding down the drain pipe and getting into their car. The rush was amazing. I had never done anything like this before!

Than this: "Bye sweetheart! Your father and I have to go to South Africa for a 9 month business meeting! Have fun while we're away!" My parents hugged me before leaving out the door. I crashed on the couch. Now that they're away, I can call up my boyfriend!

Um, if you're worried your parents won't approve of your boyfriend, you should at least test that out first, don't you think??

I think you'd agree.

Written by: sweeterlemonade

Editor's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter!

Shout out to BLESSthoseWhoLOVE and fani13kouk for their awesome comments!!!

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