Chapter 30

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*Shay's P.O.V*
We walk in and it's already packed. Everyone is dressed up and looks beautiful. I unhooked my arms from Shawn and Tucker and they went to dance with their girls. Shawn has been hooked on the Lawyers daughter Emily. She's really cute! She had brown chestnut hair with a blond ombré at the end, she has bright hazel eyes and her smile is to die for. Tucker also has a crush on this girl, her name is Lea. She's a ginger. She's really sweet and funny. I'm glad they got girls! While everyone danced, I decided to sit on the side. I really wasn't in the mood to dance I really really miss him. I mean, it's kinda weird. I like Blake a lot but not to this point. Not to the point where I moped around for two weeks. Ryder is different, he lights up my world when no one seems to find the light switch. He gives me hope when I've lost mine. He makes my heart beat faster just by smiling at me. And when he hugs me my heart lights up into flames. Everything about him makes me like him. He gives me this electric feeling that I never want to stop. He's my best friend. Maybe I haven't stopped liking him since the eighth grade, maybe I just pushed away my feelings so far that I've forgotten about them. I sure as hell don't just like him. I'm in love with Ryder Green. I'm in love with my best friend. I took a deep breath and opened my phone. I looked through my albums and I realized I had an album called "My best friends." I opened it up and scrolled to the top. There it was, the first photo I made sure was on my phone. A picture of Ryder and I when we were about 2. I was taller than him, and now some this boy is like 20 feet taller than I am. We were holding hands and I was leading the way. I smiled at my phone and I held back the tears. I continued swiping throw the pictures and his and I's first kiss was on the album. I forgot they took a picture of it. There was pictures of Shawn throwing water on me just to wake me up. Pictures of Dylan and I fighting and pushing each other into the water. Pictures of Miles grossing me out with his nasty words and facts. Tucker annoying me with his catch phrases. And pictures with all of us together. I was just about to burst out crying until Aria and Nicki grabbed my hands and pulled me up to dance. I didn't want too but I didn't fight. I let them sweep me away while I was dying on the inside. They started dancing and slowly I did too. I was breaking on the inside but I was also having fun. The guys and their girls were here and we had a lot of fun, up until the first slow song came on. Everyone got their partner but mine wasn't here. I moved back and watched everyone dance and then I felt someone place their hands on my waist.

"Oh and I promise that I will always be there when you need to smile" a voice said. I turned around and Ryder was there.

"I-I'm dreaming. No, no you're in a coma. That's-THats not possible!" I stared to cry. He grabbed my face with both his hands and smiled at me.

"It is possible. It really is me. I'm alive and I'm okay" he replied. I moved my hand and placed it where the gun was shot and I felt the scar.

"But..but how did you know what colour I was wearing?" I asked. All the guys matched with their girls. Miles and Nicki, maroon red. Dylan and Aria, sky blue. Shawn and Emily, Purple. Tucker and Lea, yellow. And he was wearing black like me.

"Your mom.." He shyly smiled. His hands moved and were placed around my waist again. I grabbed his face and pressed his lips against mine. Oh how I miss the feeling of his lips on my lips. I kept kissing him and he kept kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me in closer. Sparks kept flying and I felt electrified. Just like how I described it. He makes me feel like I'm flying, and even when I'm falling I somehow always land in his arms. We don't stop kissing, and to be honest, I don't want to. I've missed my best friend so much.

"Yeah because nothing is going on between you and him at all!" Shawn said sarcastically. Our lips parted and we let go of our hug. He grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Nope nothing is going on with us. Other than I'm completely in love with her!" He said proudly. I smiled and decided to tell them.

"And that I'm completely in love with him too.." I said. They all looked at me in shock. Ryder though, he was blushing. He let go of my hand and picked me up in a hug and we all then decided to go outside and talk and laugh.

"REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME YOU ALMOST DROWNED?!" Dylan said laughing at me.


"Not my fault you didn't know how to swim!" He laughed again.

"Oh my god, Aria, remember when you got your hair stuck in that fan!" Nicki said.

"AHHAHA I REMEMBER THAT!" I said laughing.

"Ok ok in my defence I was half asleep and had no idea what the heck I was doing" she replied.

"Oh oh, my favourite memory would have to be scaring the living life out of Ryder!" Shawn said. I REMEMBER THAT LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY!

"HEY! I'm not scared of anything..but it was dark so I didn't know.." He said.

"Wait what happened?" Emily asked shyly. She is just so cute!

" was like 11 Pm and I just got home from a trip with my dad. So I run up to my room and it's pitch black! My stupid self walks in without turning on my lights because I was so exhausted!" Ryder stared off.

"We were about 14, and his mom all let us in to surprise him. So we all hid in his room. Miles, and Shawn were on the walls. Tucker and I were under the bed and Shay was laying on His bed" Dylan continued.

"He walks in and I blow in his ear and he jumps to the other side of the wall" Miles said

"Then, I grab his arm and he screams but not too loud" Shawn said holding back his laugh.


"They turn on the lights and they started laughing, then he turns around and I yell "BOO!" And this kid was about to cry oh my god!" I say. Man those memories. Everyone started laughing. We were having a great time but then we decided to head back in and dance, Up until two people stopped us.

Tielya and Trevor.

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