Chapter 24

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*Shay's P.O.V*

We rushed into the hospital and everyone stopped and looked at us. We apologised for the commotion, but then we quickly ran to the front desk.

"HI! I'm Shay Montgomery. and this is Tucker Monte, and we really need some help please!" I said out of breath.

"Okay, first please breath, and second, what would you like me to help with?" the lady asked.

"Well, we need to pull up birth certificates for Aidan Montgomery. He was adopted but we would like to see the original certificates please?" Tucker asked.

"Mmm, well was he born in this hospital?"

"No, no he wasn't. We don't know where he's actually from. All that we know is that his original name is Aidan, and he was born on September 3rd .He isn't even a year old yet." I rushed to say. She nodded and told us to take a seat while she had a look. We sat in the waiting room and I couldn't sit still. Tucker grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, telling me to calm down. I was alright for about a couple minutes and then I burst out crying. Why is the world so against me? All I have been getting is more and more things being thrown at me. It was all fun and games but I don't know how to cope with these things anymore. I have been so upset, and all I can do is cry. Cry it all out and then what? I don't wanna be sad anymore. I want to do something. And it makes it ten times worse that Blake is always in the back of my mind. I was so wrong to let him in. I kept crying into Tucker's shirt until I heard someone talk with him.

"Is she alright?" The person asked.

"Yeah she is. what do you want?!" Tucker snapped. I lift up and wipe my eyes and Blake is there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked softly

"Well I'm here with Tielya.. but I saw you crying." He explained.

"Well, I'm fine so you can go back to your girlfriend." I smiled

"Alright, well congrats on you and tucker!" He smiled and walked away. Me and Tucker?! WHAT?! I look at Tucker and he's just as confused as I am.

"HEY!" Tucker called out to Blake


"What do you mean?" Tucker asked

"Aren't you and Shay official?" He asked slowly. We both shook our heads.

"No, I would never do that to Ry-" I quickly shoved my elbow into Tucker's side to stop him from what he was about to say. No way am I letting Blake know about Ryder and I, because Tielya will for sure find out and wreck it.

"Oh alright, I'll make sure to clear things up with everyone else who thinks you two are," He said and I smiled. Who the heck came up with the idea of me and Tucker?! He's like my brother man. The lady at the desk finally came back and we got called to her. She turned the computer towards us and there was Aidan's birth certificates.

Aidan George Royals

Born on September 3rd.

Diana and Harry Royals

Those are his real parents.

We asked her if she could print them, and she did. She put them in a folder so nothing would happen to them. We thanked her and we went back to my place where we would all meet. Oh I am so scared and I have no idea why. Lets hope things go as planned.

*Nicki's P.O.V*

Miles and I printed off the records we found with permission of course. We put them in a folder and we rushed to Shay's house where we would all meet. I wonder what everyone else found. Maybe these two are really his parents..even if they are, I doubt they would win him. They have a criminal record and these are some legit stuff they went to jail for. No way the court would allow them to take him home, I hope not anyways.

"What's wrong babe?" Miles asked.

"Did you just call me babe?" I laughed.

"Yes..indeed I did. I think it suits you, along with baby, babygirl, princess, and mine!" He smiled at the road. I laughed and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

'Nooooo Nicki, do not distract me, not now. I do not want us to die!" He said trying not to take his eyes off the road. I rolled my eyes and higher-ed the volume on the radio and we sang along. Well.. he sang along, I jammed out hard! I had so much fun this whole car ride, and then it was over. Shay, Aria, Dylan, and Tucker were already here. We got out of the car and walked in, I assumed it it would be quiet but no, everyone was laughing and talking about what has happened today. We sat with them and talked about our day. Shay and Tucker then started talking about theirs.

"YUP! He congratulated me and tucker for dating, I was like what the heck!?" Shay said laughing.

"You and Tucker are dating..?" a voice said. We all looked to the door and Ryder was there.


"then what?!"

"Someone told Blake Tucker and I were dating. I promise we aren't. I like you Ryder..I love you only!" Shay said.

"I KNOOWWW! I heard the whole story, I just wanted to see what would you two say!" Ryder winked at Shay. She glared at him and was going to walk away but he grabbed her arm, spun her towards him, grabbed her face and kissed her. He kept kissing her and then Shay's parents walked in.

"It's kinda late guys don't you think?" Her dad said.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH CLASSIC!" I burst out laughing. I could not hold that in. That was just too funny. Parents ruining a very cute moment, who knew that would happen. Everyone laughed too but Shay just sat down turning more red than a tomato.

", let's see what you all have found!" Aria said trying not to laugh. I noticed Dylan had his fingers intertwined with hers under the table. I actually have no idea if they are official or not. I'll have to ask later, but right now I need to focus. We pulled out all our information and put them together, Shay decided to pull out her laptop and search up Aidan's real parents, maybe we can find them.

After half an hour, Shay closes her computer and I can't tell how she's feeling.

"Guys..Aidan isn't just a child. He isn't even a normal person." She said.

"What in the world do you mean?" Shawn asked.

"What? Is he like some prince or something!" Aria said

"Close..but not exactly"

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