Chapter 1: Samuel's Banishment

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I was a simple colt, I lived a simple life style, going around my home town go Gillette Wyoming, helping every pony, and fending off everything that threatened our borders. It was wonderful. That is... Heh, that is until the diamond dogs came. They just came into our town, we were simple people, we loved everybody, helped everybody, and came to everything's beck and call. But these diamond dogs... Took some of my people hostage. I snapped when they pushed me down, and threatened to break the neck of ms. Rose, my teacher. So I grabbed the diamond dog that was hurting ms. Rose, and snapped his neck. His two comrades were shocked to their cores, but it quickly was replaced by anger, and they charged me.

I just grabbed them by the necks, and broke them like matchsticks. I dropped them, and was aghast at what I had done. The townspeople were surprised and terrified at what I had done, and never looked at me the same way. After 20 days, I couldn't take it, you may call me a wimp, but I didn't want them to be mad, angry or anything like the sorts at me. So I left a note of my sorrow, and a few hours later, I found out my own home town... Sent a message to the princesses of what I had done, and they personally sent the biggest part of their force after me... The most elite of forces, in the royal army. The specters. Wow, such a fitting name it is too.

I ran, I flew, and I hid. They cant find me, and that's all I care about. They truly are like specters, hell, they almost caught me 4 times. I slipped away all of the times too. When I first encountered them, I thought them just regular pony folk I could help... But the pulled off their guises and started to trap me. I kicked, I bucked, and I even bit. The first time I got lucky when evading capture... The 3 others, I was prepared for it. I thought I would either die in a prison cell in the royal kingdom, or on the run... I'm still running, even after a thousand years. How I survived? Well, in an Alicorn. Yeah that's right, a wanted fugitive like me, an Alicorn? It's unbelievable! Well it's true. I don't care what happened, I've been trying to make amends, and it has never worked, it just got me closer to be captured, so I sent a note to the princesses, saying this:

Dear princesses Celestia and Luna.

I had no right to run from your guards, I didn't, but I tried telling you that I did not mean it, or it was an accident, but you know what? You treated me like a monster, a monster for Fausts sake! So if you want a monster... I'll be a monster.

Forever a hated being.


And I ran more... I care for the people, but when I see their evil, I douse it's flame, it's core... It's life. I am a monster, no matter what now, they try to seek council with me, but I will forever say nay. I don't care if they try to council with me, it'll always be a trap. Anyway, to the 'how I became and Alicorn' part is... Well... I don't know how I did. I was just about to finish fixing a cable for a bungee jump, when I felt immense pain in my forehead. I fixed the cable, and grabbed my head in well, pain. I felt this thing prodding through my forehead, and when the pain ended, I held the area, and there was a horn. I was so shocked, I didn't realize I was falling. When my senses regained, I flapped my suddenly larger wings, and stopped from killing myself.

I flew as fast as I could to a lake, and looked at myself. I wasn't surprised, or angry or anything. It was just freaky. I had larger wings (No duh), a larger wingspan, I was taller, and basically everything about me was enlarged. The strange but helpful fact I have on my body though, is that my eyes are blood red. They shine in the night, and I can see in the night. It's very strange, very cool, but most of all. Very CREEPY.

With my new powers, I was able to kill the attacking forces of the elite specters. Celestia and Luna were horrified at my power, and sent more. After about 18 years, they decided to send me a gift. Not a bomb or a killing tool, just a gift. It was a certificate to the grand galloping gala... Pff, like I'd go there! But just to humor them, I went. They were waiting impatiently, but when I teleported in front of them, they were shocked at my features. I simply smiled to them, and asked what was their fascination with catching me. The terrified Luna, who was hiding behind Celestia shivered at my voice. Celestias legs wobbled a bit, and she looked nervous. But she kept her prideful pose.

"We would like to end this hunt for you, and get you help." Tia thought she could help me? So I replied with a lot of anger, Heh heh, "weren't you the one who called me a monster? A beast? An unhelpable heathen? You really think, after all these years, I'd comply to become good, just like that?" Tia faltered and her face fell, she stuttered, but I raised a hoof to cut her off. "I don't care, whatever I did to try and make up for my sins, was replayed with cruelty. I am not one to be angry at anything, but I HATE, no, LOATHE you two." I snarled at them and towered over both of them, Luna burying her muzzle into Celestias chest, and Tia was frightened out of her mind. "You thought me hopeless, evil, violent, and now you decide to be good? Well, heh heh, it won't work. I lost my sanity years ago, when you killed my parents in a hope of bringing me out. I lost all of my family, just so you could try to reason with me... Well it didn't, and it won't work Princess." I had spat the last word out with anger, and when I saw the now cowering Celestia and Luna, I smiled, a cruel, and sadistic smile. "So leave me be, or I will kill all of whom you love." I heard the rushing hoofsteps of the guards, and it looked like I was to be captured, as they surrounded me with lances, and swords. Celestia looked triumphant, and stood up, no longer shaking, or nervous. But strong, and willfully.

"You have lost Samuel, give yourself in, and we won't hurt you." I simply smiled at Tia, and my horn glowed black. "You already hurt me Tia..." I powered up the strongest spell I knew, and created. "That's why I can't let you hurt anypony else..." I turned to Luna, and shot the spell at her. Celestia watched in horror as my spell went for Luna, but instead of hitting her, it went around her, and hit the wall, disintegrating, no, annihilating the wall. The force of the spell knocked everypony away, and I teleported out.

Now, you know my life, I threatened Celestia, with Luna's life, and I even almost killed them... Just to scare them, so they'd leave me alone. I truly don't want to hurt anypony, that's why I run and hide. I know what must be done, I'm the only one who sees that everything I do, must be kept hidden, so, my friends... Run.


Sparkle's Quest, Samuel's Journey (Book 1 of The Alicorn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now