Chapter 21: Return

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Sparkle woke back in Zacora's cottage. She blinked in the bright light. 'I have got to stop this whole fainting thing!' She thought.

She stood and felt her necklace laying on the floor under her hoof. She picked it up and stared at the gem. Instead of turning back into the blue it used to be, it was still green.

She placed it into her bag and walked out of the room. When she entered the main room, Moondrop hoped onto her back.

"Hello silly pup!" She said and smiled.

Then Zacora walked over to her.

"Hello my friend, it's good to see you up. And too see you with your pup!" She said.

"Thank Zacora!" She laughed.

She looked around then. She wondered where Samuel was.

"Zacora? Have you seen Samuel?" She asked.

She shook her head. Sparkle thanked her anyway and went outside. The breeze was soft and blew through her mane which framed her face. The warm sunlight shone down on coat.

Suddenly, guards from everywhere swept around her. They used their magic to hold her in place. Then, Tia and Luna appeared and stood in front of her. Luna was the first to react.

"Oh, Sparkle! I was so worried! I'm glad you're ok!" Luna said.

She jumped over and touched her horn to Sparkle's. Then, Samuel ran up. His eyes glowed red and he was furious. He saw Sparkle being restrained by the guards and attacked. Luna and Tia gasped and looked terrified. Sparkle didn't know what to do!

"Samuel! Stop!" She cried.

He immediately stopped and looked at her. Guards swarmed over him and secured him, but he stayed perfectly still. He looked at her with hurt in his eyes.

Tia smiled at Sparkle.

"Congratulations Sparkle. You have brought the greatest evil in Equestria to good. You have completed your mission."

Sparkle looked at Samuel. He was being carried away, to the dungeon of the castle. His eyes were filled with betrayal.

"Samuel! I-" "Stop Shimmer. Just.....don't." He said, and was carried away.

Tears filled Sparkle's eyes. She regretted this with every fiber of her being. She turned away as Samuel was carried away.


The day of Sparkle's return party came quickly. Ponies from all around prepared. Tia and Lu delayed Samuel's trial to prepare for the party.

Sadness filled Sparkle's heart. Each day she fell even more into a pit of despair. She knew Samuel would never forgive her. He thought that the only reason Sparkle had become friends with him, was to complete her mission.

Soon, the day came. The current princesses held a huge party for Sparkle, who tried to be happy for her subjects.

Everypony congratulated the new princess and welcomed her home. She wore her necklace, for her mentors, which still had a green stone.

Sparkle talked to everypony and thanked them all. Suddenly, Tia tapped her glass and stood. Se looked everypony them smiled at Sparkle.

"I would like to thank everypony for coming and see our student become a princess!" She said.

"And, dear friend, I have an exciting announcement! Since you have returned to us, a stallion has asked for your hoof in marriage! I present to you, Lord Dark Star!" Tia said.

Sparkle's eyes widened as the black unicorn stepped into the dinning room. He smiled at her as his eyes flashed green. Sparkle was the only one that noticed. All eyes were on her as her necklace began to glow. Sparkle wanted to refuse, for her heart belonged to Samuel, but her body wouldn't work. She heard herself saying...


~Sparkle Shimmer

Sparkle's Quest, Samuel's Journey (Book 1 of The Alicorn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now