Chapter 17: Love? Me? Pff?

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I was distracted more than anything. I couldn't kill Danny. I just couldn't. I read one of the thoughts Shimmer said before she fell asleep. 'Does he like her?' I wasn't trying to read her mind either... But I knew what she meant.

I sighed and looked at Shimmer, her sleeping form, not very comfortable. And undoubtedly having a nightmare.

I hit my head on a wall, and walked out of Zecoras hut.

"Why do I feel this way? I thought my heart died same as my home..." I shook my head in disgrace and anger at my thoughts. "A monster like me doesn't deserve someone like... Her." I growled as my thoughts took hold of my body.

I ran through the forest, away from the cottage, away from Shimmer. 'Shell get hurt, or killed, and you'll have even more heartache added to the 1000 years you've been alive.' 'She is the only ray of light able to bring you out of this wasteland of sorrow.'

"NO!" I stopped in my tracks, and stomped my front hooves in the ground in anger. "I CANT LOVE!!" My shouts made a flock of birds fly off in a random direction, I sat down, holding my head in anger.

'WHY NOT??' I froze when that thought came to mind. 'YOU, deserve at least a bit of hope. She rejects you, FINE! You'll have to find love somewhere Samuel, you can't run forever. You may not be able to die, BUT YOU CAN FADE!!' I nodded my head slowly at that thought. My ears drooped, and I felt a small tear make its way out my left eye.

I snarled and wiped the tear away. "No crying... It's embarrassing." I shook my head again, and heard a sound like a door being knocked on.

I turned to the path I just came from and froze. There's no other house out here.

I silently ran to the cottage, and hid in a bush. I peeked out, and had to stifle a growl. "OPEN UP IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!" Three royal guards were standing there. One clad in jewel encrusted gold, obviously the leader.

He nodded his head to his men. "Knock it down." They both nodded, and kicked down the front door. "What is the meaning, of this?" Zecora came from behind the guards, and they all turned, including me to her form. "We are here to search your house madam. We ha-" "I know you mindless dolt. But it doesn't give you permission to knock down doors, from this, I will revolt." The leader, obviously ticked that he was interrupted, and angry from the dolt comment, strider towards Zecora, and smacked her.

I froze yet again from shock, and snarled low so I couldn't be heard. "Don't you EVER, talk to a guard like that." Zecora rubbed where she was hit, and glared at the Stallion. She turned to my form in the bush, and nodded her head. I smiled, and teleported. "What are you gawking at-" he didn't finish from the heavy form of me coming into contact with his spine, at 2 hundred miles an hour.

The other two guards opened their mouths in shock at what I'd done. Before they could actually form words for help, I grabbed them by their throats, and held them in the air.

"Your too untrained to be of Celestias guard... Who sent you?" They looked at me with fear in their eyes, yet at the same time, loyalty.

"We'll never tell you!" I smiled at the guards and chuckled. "Then I'll read your minds." "Like you can do tha-" their eyes dilated, as I searched through their memories.

"... Search out the monster Samuel. He must be brought in for justice, and trial by execution. Oh, and bring Sparkle Shimmer to me. I'll deal with her personally,.." "Yes your majesty!" The form and voice it came from was none other than... Luna.

I came back to my own body and smirked at the broken minded Stallions. "AS IT IS WRITTEN, as it was foretold eh? Heh heh." I broke their necks, and turned to Zecora.

"Are you alright Zecora?" She gazed at me sadly, and smiled. "I am fine, I am not such a mare to whine." I chuckled at her words and looked at the cottage door.

"Guess I better fix that?" "No it's fine. I'll do it in time." I was confused at the last part, but shook the thought away. "If you say so Zecora... I'm gonna check on Shimmer." As I started walking in the hut, I heard Zecora chuckle. "What's so funny Zecora?" I turned and she smiled. "The great big Samuel falling for a small Damsel?" She starts chuckling more, and I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

"We're just friends alright?" As I turned to walk in, I muttered. "At least that's what she wants..."

I walked to Sparkles room, and sat down next to her bed. "Oh Shimmer... I wish I could accept my fate..." I sighed sadly, and leaned back against the wall, shutting my eyes slowly, fading into a dreamless sleep.


(Happy Halloween everypony, changeling, and human. Have at your candy, for it may be your last. Have fun.)

Sparkle's Quest, Samuel's Journey (Book 1 of The Alicorn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now