Chapter 23: Wedding Day

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With every day that passed, Sparkle fell more into the stallion's control. He used the evil magic that fill her necklace to control her. At first, she resisted and fought thinking that she could free herself. But she soon realized that when Samuel had been taken from her, it had taken more than just her heart. It had taken everything.

She no longer had the strength to fight.

So he controlled her, made everypony believe that she loved him, and that he was good for her. But Sparkle knew otherwise. She knew that this stallion was using her. She just, couldn't stop him.

Maids, party planners, bakers, and everypony else that had something to do with the wedding scurried around the palace. They did Sparkle's hair, designed her dress, and baked her cake. All through this, Sparkle was silent. The Lord had placed a spell on her that prevented her from speaking. But it wasn't as if anypony noticed. They were all to busy planning for a wedding she didn't want to happen.

The one place Sparkle could be free was her dreams. They were filled with memories and fantasies or her and Samuel. She longed for him, and wondered if he felt the same for her.

The day of the wedding approached rapidly. Lord Dark Star became to consumed in his plans, and didn't notice when Sparkle slipped away to the dungeon. She planned on trying to speak to Samuel, although she couldn't speak at all.

She crept silently down to the dungeon. She walked through the halls and wondered why she didn't see and guards. She reached Samuel's cell, and found it empty. Her eyes widened in horror and they filled her tears. She turned away, and went back to The Lord.


Sparkle awoke the morning of the wedding. Immediately, her maids swarmed over her and prepared her. The whole affair passed in a blur.

Soon, she stood behind the doors of the palace ball room. She wore the dress, which fell just to the floor. It was very simple, and very plain. It wasn't what Sparkle had wanted at all. But Lord Dark Star had wanted all eyes to be on him.

Her hair was down, exactly the same as she normally wore it, and her veil covered her face. All in all, she knew she looked hideous.

The music began playing and the large doors opened. Her heart broke a little more with every step she took. She knew that soon her heart would be nothing more than a pile of dust. She now knew why Samuel lived the way he did.

By then she had reached the alter. She stood next to Lord Dark Star. Celestia smiled to her and, to her own horror, she smiled back.

Tia began the ceremony.

"Dear friends,

We are gathered here today to join these two ponies together in marriage. But, if anypony objects, speak now, or forever hold your-"

"I do!"

Sparkle turned with wide eyes. There at the end of the isle she had just walked stood her only love.


~Sparkle Shimmer

Sparkle's Quest, Samuel's Journey (Book 1 of The Alicorn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now