Chapter 1

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Your POV
Today was a long day. I just finished being the DJ at 4 different parties today, each a couple hours long and back to back in different locations. I was finally happy to go home and take a break for the next couple of days. I got taxi to take me to my apartment building and got out carrying 30 pounds of equipment. I liked to keep everything with me because it was all way to expensive to leave around people who don't know what they're doing. I got in the building and I was greeted by the landlady behind what looked like a hotel's counter.

"Hello! Welcome back!" She cheerfully greeted. She was young, maybe in her late 20's. She had light brown hair and gorgeous emerald eyes. I was jealous.

"Thanks." I didn't talk with her much, mostly because I didn't want to, so I just hurried over to the elevator and went to the 3rd floor. The elevator music was dull and a little old from the quality of the audio. Man, this needs to get changed... I thought to myself. Thankfully I don't live on the tenth floor. After a couple more seconds of old and out of tune music, a bell rang and the doors slowly opened. Although the apartment building was new, the elevator was kinda old. Once the doors were fully open and wide enough for me and my stuff, I walked down the hall to room 318. I searched my pockets for my room key and felt nothing. I began to panic and wonder if I left it back at my last party.

"Crud!" I growled at myself. I began to frantically search through all of my equipment: soundboard case, disk holder, laptop case, everything. I was not going to pay $150 for losing my key! No way! I reached into my black leather wallet and finally found what I was looking for: an old fashioned key that let me go home. I sighed a sigh of relief and opened my apartment door. I looked into my large and lavish apartment room.

It was really huge! My modern kitchen was to my left. It had slick black countertops and a stainless steel fridge. There was a large island in the middle of it with a steel sink and a "mini bar" which I always called it. It wasn't a bar in the least, just a place to sit with bright white bar stools on the other side. That was my dinner table. A few feet out was the giant living room. In the center, it had a large couch that can easily fit 8 people and a glass table in the middle of that. On the left wall was a gigantic television! On the roof was many lights and speakers to give some awesome surround sound all throughout the room, including my bedroom! The entire back wall was nothing but tinted glass, giving me a stunning view of New York and Central Park. Just to the right of the wall was a grand piano. I honestly don't know why my room had a piano and no one else's room had one, but I liked it none-the-less. I would occasionally try to play something on it, but I didn't think I was very good.

I put my equipment down near the kitchen island and placed my jacket on the coat hanger by the entrance. I walked over to the right wall where there was a very small hallway leading to the semi-large bathroom on my right and my lovely bedroom on my left. My bedroom was rather big, with a king sized bed pushed against the center wall on the right, a cupboard with a TV stationed in the center two panels and drawers beneath it for clothes. On the wall covered in glass was a desk and black curtains to block the sun. When I first saw how wonderful this apartment was, I was wondering why they were only charging $745 a month instead of the cruddy apartments next door which were $1,850 a month. I was completely confused.

I went into my room and changed out of my clothes and into my (f/c) pajamas: a (f/c) shirt and black sweat pants with a white vertical stripe on the right pant leg. I skipped back into the living room and over to the kitchen where I decided to get a (f/s) and a bag of chips. I hopped over to the couch, turned on the TV and surfed though the different channels, hopefully finding something good to watch. When it was first turned on, some cooking show was on. I would watch the cooking channel every now and then when I was tired of eating the same old recipes I had stored away. I didn't feel like cooking today, so I was going to order some pizza. After flicking through the channels some more, I didn't find anything that I would like to watch. I switched outlets and walked over to the DVD player beneath it and popped in Tokyo Ghoul, because why not? I haven't seen it in a while and felt like it was a Tokyo Ghoul kind of a day.

I sat there and watched almost the entire season before I heard my stomach growling get out of control. I got up, threw away my empty bag of chips, put my cup of (favorite soda) in the sink, and grabbed the phone to order some pizza from Pizza Hut. I dialed in the number and waited. After a little while, I finally got a person.

"Thank you for calling Pizza Hut!" A bright and cheerful voice greeted me. "My name is Jack! What can I get you today?"

"Hey, I would like a (f/p) with (toppings, if ya want) please."

"So that's one (f/p) with (toppings, if you ordered any)? Is that correct?"


"Okay! Your pizza shall be delivered in 15 minutes! Thank you and have a great day!" He hung up.

"Wow." I mumbled to myself and hung the phone up. "That's gotta be the happiest person in New York or something. Probably trying to get a promotion? Nah, he's probably new." I paced back over to the couch and resumed watching Tokyo Ghoul. Half way through an episode, there was a knock at my door. I rushed up from the sofa and ran to the door. When I opened it, there was a nice young man holding a large (f/p)! I grabbed my wallet, paid him, took my pizza, and closed the door. I walked over to the counter and opened the box. A gorgeous golden brown crust and lovely pizza smell filled my nose with joy. My mouth began to water as I grabbed a paper plate and chow down. It was absolutely delicious! It practically melted in my mouth!

After I ate almost the entire pizza by myself, I looked at my phone to see the time. It read 9:37pm. I normally have to go to bed early because of my DJ sessions at early morning parties. Since I had the next few days off, I could stay up all night if I wanted! I finished Tokyo Ghoul a few minutes ago and had no clue what to watch. Maybe there'll be something on TV? But nothing's ever on this late. I walked over to my DVD rack near the TV and looked for something to watch. I had way to many DVD's. Some of them were anime shows, some of them were chick flicks (I still have no idea why I got most of them), some were action, and so on. Suddenly, I heard a loud thud outside my room. I was a little nervous, but I was really curious. I slowly got up and eventually made my way to the door. I unlocked it and put my head out into the hall. Nothing on my right... I turned my head and saw a mess.

There was tons of luggage everywhere and one of the bags opened. There was clothing scatters around the floor. A young man was scrambling to get all of the clothes back together and in the case. Out of instinct, I left my room and ran over to the mess and the man.

"I'm sorry if I woke you!" He said apologetically not making eye contact.

"No! It's okay!" I replied. "I was already up." I picked up some of his shirts and pants and folded them.

"Thanks for helping me out." He finally spoke after a few silent moments. He looked up at me with stunning turquoise eyes and a stunning smile. He had chocolate brown hair and a black baseball cap on. He was really cute too... What am I thinking!?

"Uh, yeah n-no problem." I stuttered a little bit. "I'm (y/n) by the way. (Y/n) (l/n)." I put my hand out in a greeting manner. He took my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you (y/n). I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger." Unknowingly, I stared into his eyes getting lost in the depth. Eren seemed to noticed and waved his hands in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You were staring." He smiled again. "Well, thanks again for helping me with my stuff. I'm sure you have something better to do."

"Nope. I was just going to watch a movie." We stood up and shook hands once more.

"Well, enjoy your movie. Hope I can see you again!"

"Me too!" I let go of his hand and pointed to my door. "If you need anything, I'll be next door."

"I'll make sure to ask. Have a good night (y/n)!" He unlocked his apartment and went inside waving goodbye.

"You too Eren!" I waved back and returned to my room.

Eren's POV
I closed my door and unpacked my stuff.

"(Y/n) was nice..." I mumbled to myself. "I really want to see her again."
(A/N): I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please let me know whatcha think of it! Any criticism is very appreciated!

Thanks and stay awesome!

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