Chapter 10

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(A/N): Hello everyone! So I'm going to be doing something a little different in the chapters. If you see words in italics with nothing telling you the perspective, it's third person! This stuff is only going to happen in the beginning of the chapters, just so ya know! They're conversations, and I'm not telling you who they are! Thanks for all the reads!
"There wasn't anything I could do! She interfered with it. She could've been the one to throw our asses into jail!"

"What do you plan to do?"

"She's in the hospital right now. What can we do?"

"Which one?"

"Peace and Recovery."

"We have an insider there. It shouldn't be a problem. Deliver the message to him and he shall take care of the rest."

"As you wish."
Eren's POV
I had taken (y/n)'s hand and held it in mine. She seemed to be having a nightmare and all I could do was watch. I hate being useless, especially like this. Especially when it's with someone I care so much about. She calmed down and her heart rate went back to normal after a little while. The doctor told me to tell him if anything happened, but would this count? It probably would. I let go of her hand and quietly made my way out of her room. I went to the desk nurse and asked to see Dr. Kline. A few seconds later he arrived.

"Is everything okay with (y/n)?" He asked concerned.

"I think she was having a bad dream. She started fidgeting while she was sleeping and shaking her head. Her heart rate went up to." I explained to him.

"Interesting. We'll talk about her dream when she wakes up." He told me. He hastily said his goodbyes as he had to rush to another patient. I sighed and returned to (y/n) who was again sleeping peacefully. I sat by her side, waiting for her to wake up and honestly feeling a little nervous. She wants me to perform at a party that she's wanted at. She hasn't even seen me do any of my stuff yet! Does she trust me that much with her reputation?

I waited for what seemed like forever, which was actually a few hours, for her to wake up. I checked the clock: 10:42am. I've been here for a while. I'm surprised that the hospital let me stay here by (y/n)'s side so long, which was a bit strange to me. I looked back at her sleeping face. Her (h/c) was covering part of her face and slightly tangled. I gently reached out my hand and moved the hair behind her ear. Her hair was as soft as silk, which made me smile. I was grinning like an idiot. I held her hand yet again, thinking it would be warm like it always was. I was wrong. It was cold, like small icicles replaced her fingers and snow was her palm. Worry flooded over me. Was she okay? Was something wrong? Why is she so cold? Negative thoughts filled my mind as I became even more concerned.

"Please be okay." I caught myself whispering. I've never been so worried about someone before, other than my mother who died a few years ago from a freak accident where she broke her back. I held (y/n)'s hand tighter in both of mine. Suddenly, she shot forward from the bed completely terrified. Her breathing was fast and erratic, making her heart monitor go crazy. She pulled her free hand up to her chest and clenched it.

"(Y/n)!" I called out. I put one of my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. She was shaking. This was just like when she stayed the night at my place... Just worse. She didn't seem to be getting over whatever happened in her dream. "It's okay." I soothed her. I rubbed her (h/l) (h/c) hair and continued to say calming things to her, like "it's okay" and "you're safe." She wouldn't stop shaking and breathing like she was out of breath or she saw a ghost. Her skin was pale and cold to the touch.

"I-I'm s-so scared..." She whispered. Her voice was ragged and shaky.

"It's okay. I'm here now." I hugged her tighter. "Don't worry. It was just a dream. You're safe now." I continued to pet her hair, trying everything I could to calm her down. I yelled for the nurse to come in and try to helper out as well. The one normally sitting behind the counter ran into the room and tried her best to help (y/n).

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