Chapter 19

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Your POV

"How do I know you?" Eren asked me with his face covered in complete confusion. I felt my heart sink, shatter would be a more accurate term, as I realize that he had no recollection of who I was. The tears streamed down my left cheek now for an entirely different reason.

"Y-You mean you don't remember...?" My voice shook.

"I'm sorry, but I don't." He kindly replied. I brought my hand up to my mouth in an effort to control my emotions and hide my despair. He truly doesn't remember me? Can he not recall what happened to us or does he just not know who I am? Questions and different scenarios began to fill my mind as I wondered if there was anything that I could do to help.

I tore my gaze off of him to hide my tears. I weakly lifted my right arm up to my eye, just realizing that I couldn't see out of it. I felt a small patch made out of a soft cotton resting upon it. What was this for?

"Are you okay?" I heard him shyly ask, concern covering his words. I was unable to give him a verbal response, so slowly nodded my head. Hanji remained in the room with an eyebrow raised and curiosity written on her face.

"How do you know him, (y/n)?" She inquired with a bright resonance. I didn't have the energy nor the motivation to say how I did. I felt that if I spoke the truth, I would sound either insane, desperate, or manipulative. I remained in place, keeping my face hidden from both Hanji and Eren. It honestly did break my heart to know that he didn't remember me, and he might not ever. I laid back down to where my back was against the entire back of the bed and let a sigh slip out from my lips.

"(Y/n)? You okay?" The nurse asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I whispered loud enough for her to hear me. Why did this ever have to happen? Why was I the only one kidnapped that night? Why did he lose his memory and I remembered everything as clear as glass? Why couldn't I be the one that forgot? Why? That was all I could think at the moment as I felt my tears stream down my eye and wet my hospital gown.

After a few moments in an awkward silence, nurse Hanji left the room to where Eren and I were alone. He sat in his bed in silence, doing what I did not know. I kept him out of my line of sight, not wanting to remind myself that his memory is gone, and hoping that it would fully return.

Time continued to pass by, minute by minute, hour by hour, staying in complete silence. A few different doctors came through to check on us and one informed me that the vision in my eye was taken away during the fire. I went through a surgery to get my vision back and it was successful, but it would take some time to get used to what they did and for it to fully return.

~le time skip brought to you by lack of ideas and motivation~

A month had past where I remained in the hospital along with Eren. More of his memories about that day came back to him, however nothing of me, just a voice he occasionally mentioned that he heard in his dreams. He described it to me and Hanji one time, and I have a feeling that he was talking about me, but one can never be to sure. I didn't want to get my hopes up that high.

My eyesight returned to me a couple of days ago so I didn't have to wear that irritating cotton mask anymore, which I was glad to keep off. All of my other injuries were almost completely healed, except for a few burns on my leg. Eren was also in the same condition, practically almost completely back to normal and ready for discharge. I was just hoping his memory would return.

I sat in my hospital bed waiting for Hanji to come back and help me get out of my bed for my round of physical therapy. I looked over at Eren and saw him doing his, just a few sit ups every few hours to make sure his ribs were back in shape as they should be.

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