Chapter 16

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(A/N): The chapter you've all been waiting for is finally here! This is a really long chapter (6670+ words) and it contains some graphic scenes (not terribly bad though) near the end. Listening to sad music approaching the end can add to the effect if you desire (in other words, there are some feels in my opinion). :) There will not be an A/N at the end of this chapter. :)

Please enjoy!

Eren's POV
I was quickly awakened by the sound of the alarm on my phone. I wasted no time getting ready to leave: grabbing a piece of toast, a pocket knife, my phone, and a flashlight in case I needed it. I took my medication as Hanji instructed me to do so the other night and hastily took my apartment keys to put them on my lanyard, storming out of my home as I did so.

As I locked the door behind me, I noticed Levi leaving as well. When he saw me in such a rush, he stopped whatever he was doing and came over to me.

"Is everything okay Eren?" He inquired cautiously.

"No. (Y/n) got kidnapped last night and I think I know where she is." I informed him. His eyes widened in shock and his jaw partially dropped.

"Where is she?"

"Probably on Shelter Island. It a ways from here, but I know someone who can get me there. They should be going to work soon."

"I'll come too." He persisted.

"No, this is something I can do alone." I argued.

"What if something happens to you while you're there? (Y/n) would kill me for not at least trying to stop you or at least going with you." He had a point, I guess. But what if he's the reason something would happen to me? I didn't give it much thought and began to absent-mindedly speak.

"Alright, you can come. But you're going to have to do everything I say down to the smallest detail. Am I clear?"

"Perfectly. Now let's go." Levi and I began to rush down the stairs at the end of the hallway, nearly tripping ourselves a few times. We dashed out the front door of the building and didn't waste time heading to the docks. Stopping for a taxi and sitting in the morning traffic wasn't going to get us to (y/n) any sooner. If anything, we'd probably be too late... I hope we won't be.

We ran and ran until we could hardly run anymore. After almost an hour, we reached the docks and I began to search for my friend who had moved here a while back. Well, I say "friend" but more-or-less he was a teacher who used to teach me in high school. He retired after his first year of teaching me and became a boat driver in New York. Well, again, I say "retired" but he actually got fired for drinking on the job.

I went to the port where I believe I would find him. I found his tin fishing boat, but there was no sign of him there. From what I can remember, he had a tendency to fall asleep inside this boat and not back at home, where ever that was.

I headed over to the edge of the boat, which he named Garrison for some reason, and began to slap the edge of the boat.

"Anyone home?" I called out. "Hello?" I heard some scrambling and disoriented footsteps. I must've just waken him up.

"Who's there?" An old creaky voice called out from the inside of the Garrison. A door slid open to the entrance where the steering would be. An old man wearing a T-shirt covered in fish oils and overalls came into view. He had a bald and wrinkly forehead and a white mustache growing just the way it used to. His ancient green eyes widened and a smile instantly appeared on his lips.

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