Chapter 15

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Your POV
I woke up with a heavy pounding in my head and a dry throat. I lifted my heavy eyes and looked around a room that had much more light than the other place I was being kept at.

I was in some kind of cellar, more or less a room with benches, with a few other people who I recognize from the news. The reporter on the news said that the people kidnapped were those who had just moved here or had lost someone. I didn't really fit any of the criteria, so why was I here?

"You're finally awake." A soft voice called from one of the corners in the room. It sounded... familiar. I glanced over to where the voice was coming from and saw a young woman with short blonde hair. I recognized her almost instantly. How could I forget her? I rescued her from the kidnappers after all.

"Krista, is that really you?" My voice was missing entirely. My throat ached from the cold room I was briefly in prior to coming here.

"Yeah, it's me." She replied regretfully.

"You okay?"

"Just tired and hungry. I haven't eaten in a couple days I think."

"How long have you been here?"

"I wish I could tell you." Krista shrugged her shoulders. "You can't really tell time here. I think it's been..." She paused for a moment before continuing, "about four days? I remember that I was taken on a Thursday."

She's been here for almost an entire week. I glanced over to the three other people in the same cell as us.

"Who are they?" I choked out.

"The one closest to you is Sasha. Next to her is Annie. The other girl is Marylyn." She introduced.

"Are there only girls?"

"No, the guys are kept in the cell next to us. I don't know who they are since I can't see them."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, which I took the opportunity to listen carefully. I have been practically all over New York. If I can listen to the sounds well enough, I can probably find out where we are and how far we are from the nearest city. The walls greatly muffled anything, but there was a window near me. I scooted over near the window, still remaining on the concrete ground. I closed my eyes to hone in more on the minute sounds in the area around us.

It was quiet, an occasional breeze passed through the trees. There were crickets chirping like a choir in a church, so I can definitively conclude that it was night. There was a high amount of humidity in the air and a lapping of ocean waves on rocks and on the sand. A horn from a cargo ship echoed from probably a few miles away and bounced around the cellar.

I opened my eyes to see as much as I could out of the window, which was surprisingly clean, and saw that we were in a forest of some sort. We had to be near a shore somewhere, so I don't think we're in the woods very deeply.

We were definitely somewhere on the east coast of New York, but where? I wanted to stand up so I can clearly see more out of the window to get a better idea of where we are, but I couldn't. My hands were handcuffed in front of my body so I probably could, but I have terrible balance on one leg.

"Krista?" I whispered. "Could you look out the window and tell me what it looks like?"

"I wish." She sighed. "I'm too short. What about you? Can't you look out the window?" I guess she hasn't seen my cast yet. I don't blame her. I got it in a dark (f/c), and seeing as it was pretty dark where we were, it probably just blended in with the ground.

"I can't. I broke my leg a little while back and I have horrible balance."

"You what!?" She said with severe shock.

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