Chapter 18

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Eren's POV
"She's not doing well?" I mumbled to myself after Armin paced out of the room. I never found joy in watching someone else, let alone someone who was in the same situation as I was, be worse than me. I had no idea who that person was, at least for now, but I couldn't help but worry.

"Yeah," Mikasa replied, "she probably has to go back into surgery. I don't know for what since I'm not a doctor, but I hope she'll be okay."

As quickly as he left, Armin re-entered the room, this time in some different clothing more than likely meant for surgery. He quickly adjusted the bed and called for some nurses to remove her from the room. As they left, I was only able to catch a glimpse of more of her face, however it was shortly gone afterwards.

"Wow, I really hope she's okay." Mikasa softly spoke under her breath. Me too.

~le mini time skip cuz of stuffs~

I dozed off shortly after Armin left with (y/n) to take her into surgery. I could dream of anything, but the sleep was enjoyable. I was alone in the room with the door cracked opened evident by the light in the room. I turned my head to the left and found (y/n) back in her place, sound asleep.

I must've been asleep for quite a while for her to be back and for the day to fade into night. I looked down at my body and saw that my restraints attached to me and my bed were gone. I guess I was safe to move for now? I tried sitting up on my own, but my ribs felt like they would shatter if I tried to move them on my own. I looked to my hand and saw a little remote with a few buttons on it: "UP," "DOWN," "NURSE."

I pressed the up button and the back of my bed began to lean forward. I continued until I was at a more comfortable angle. Since I was sitting up, I thought I could get a better view the woman that was in the same room as me. I turned my head and got a much clearer view of (y/n). This was the first time I could actually see how bad of shape she was in.

She looked... Horrible. Some of her hair was completely burnt off on her head and she had a few visible burn scars. She had a patch covering her right eye, probably from the fire. Her breathing was soft and shallow, but she seemed to be at peace. I couldn't tell if I was in shock at seeing her or not, but for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

As I stared at her, I saw a small smile cross the right side of her face, that or she was smirking at something in her dream. I felt joy spread throughout me for some reason at the sight of it. Why am I feeling this way towards her? I probably knew her, I mean she does look familiar, but how did I know her?

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and noticed the time- 11:43 PM. It was pretty late, so I probably slept all day. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get some more rest before morning, right?

I closed my eyes, keeping my body in the more up-right position, and relaxed. I was having trouble falling asleep again, but I have a feeling it was from me just waking up. I didn't want to stay awake for now, mainly because I had a feeling that I was going to be insanely bored. We have a TV in our room, but I didn't see a remote near by.

I continued to try and force myself asleep, not getting far at all, until I just gave up and looked around the room some more. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I just needed to keep myself busy for now.

After staring at random objects throughout the room for who knows how long, I gave up on trying to entertain myself and I reached for my controls for my bed and a nurse. Maybe I can ask the nurse for something?

I pressed the nurse button and a small green light lit up on the remote. A few seconds later, Armin came in with a worried look on his face.

"You okay Eren?" He asked concerned.

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