Chapter 4

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Your POV

"A what?" Levi asked disbelievingly.

"A double date! You and your new girlfriend and me and Mason! What do ya think?" I was a little too excited for this. He pulled out his phone and seemed to be texting someone, most likely his new 'friend.'

"I'll ask her and see what she thinks."

"Want me to ask Mason?" I inquired.

"How about we wait to see what she'll say."

"Okay. I'll wait." Seconds later his phone vibrated and he got his answer. He sighed a little; I guessed that the answer she gave him wasn't the one he was looking for.

"You and Mason can come..." Levi mumbled.

"Awesome! I'll ask him right now!" I grabbed my phone and texted Mason.

(Y/N)- Hey babe! My neighbor Levi is a little nervous to go on a date with someone and is wondering if we can have a double date. Is that okay?

I waited a minute or two and my phone went off. I instantly looked at the lock screen and squealed.

"It looks like we've got a double date tonight!" Levi face palmed himself and began to leave. "Where you going? You still have to tell me who she is!"

"You'll see." He coldly replied as he left my apartment. I sighed feeling a little frustrated. I just wanted a name! It wasn't going to kill him or anything! I got up from the couch and went to my room to get dressed for the day. I put on a (f/c) shirt and jeans with my favorite pair of sneakers. I grabbed a real nice black leather jacket and put it on. I walked over to the bathroom to brush my hair again and style it. I heard a knock at my door. Thinking that Levi was going to tell me, I ran out of the bathroom and opened the door. It wasn't Levi, but Eren.

"Oh, hey Eren!" I was slightly caught off guard as to why he would be here. Maybe he needed something. "Need anything?"

"Hey (y/n)." He looked at me. "I like your outfit."

"T-Thanks." I blushed a little bit. "Wanna come in?" I gestured him to enter my apartment. He nodded, walked in, and looked around my home.

"Do they all look like this?"

"Huh?" I closed the door and faced Eren.

"The apartments. Mine looks the same, except for the piano." He pointed to the piano and smiled.

"Yeah. The one's facing Central Park look the same. The ones across the hall and penthouses are a little different. At least that's what I hear." I walked to the couch and slouched into it. "So make yourself at home!"

"Thanks." He came over to the couch and sat down. We remained in an awkward silence before Eren broke it. "So, you and Levi are going on a double date huh?" I turned and faced it with a surprised look on my face.

"You heard that?" Eren's face turned red and he looked out the window.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"No! It's okay! The more who know the merrier." I chuckled at his shy behavior. I didn't think he would be like this, if anything I thought he would be strong willed and tough or something.

"Just be careful tonight, okay?" His voice was concerning. He sounded almost scared.

"Yeah. I promise we'll be careful. If you don't mind me asking, why?" I tilted my head a little.

"There's been some kidnappings here lately near alleyways." Eren explained. "I think it was anyone from 13-25 that've moved here recently or lost a family member or something like that. So I just want you, Levi and who ever you guys are going with to be careful."

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