Chapter 7

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(A/N): Hello! This is going to be a longer chapter. I want to get a lot of stuff going on, so... Yeah...

Eren's POV
I sat on my couch watching the news, which for some reason I've been drawn to lately. I don't know why. As I watched and ate some chips, I heard (y/n)'s door slam and thunderous footsteps go down the hall. I began to assume that those footstep's were Mason's. I got up and went to go check on (y/n) to make sure that she was okay. When I got to her door, I heard crying. I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I gently knocked on the door and spoke softly.

"Hey, (y/n)? You okay?" I didn't get a response. I turned the door knob and saw that it was unlocked. Nervously, I opened the door and saw (y/n) sobbing on the floor with her head buried in her hands. I cautiously walked over and sat down next to her. I placed my hand on her delicate shoulder and gently rubbed it.

"It's okay." I tried to comfort her and I honestly had no idea if it was working or not. She just continued to cry. Deep down, I felt anger well up inside me, something I haven't felt in a while. It was like a raging fire that was ready to be released at who ever did this to her. I had a bad feeling that she was crying because of Mason. I continued to try and comfort her as well as quell the fury within me. (Y/n) grabbed my shoulders and placed her head underneath mine. I felt my skin and clothing slowly become wet with her tears. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back.

"It's okay (y/n). Was it Mason?" She nodded back, still sobbing. "He doesn't deserve you. You didn't deserve him either because you're much better than that. No matter what." She pulled back a little and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. Her (e/c) eyes were turning red after crying so hard. (Y/n)'s crying had lightened up to just tears and an occasional sniff.

"Thank you Eren." Her voice was shaky and soft. "F-For making me feel better."

"Don't mention it. If you ever need anything," I began to stand up, "just let me know, okay?" She nodded and stood up as well, wiping more of her tears away. Unexpectedly, (y/n) threw her arms around me and held me tight. I awkwardly wrapped my hands around her back and rubbed it.

"Really... Thank you." (Y/n) whispered.

"You're welcome." I whispered in reply. I squeezed her tightly once more before we separated ourselves from the embrace. She turned around and went to bedroom, and I took it as a sign to leave. I walked out of her apartment and entered my own. I sighed, walked over to the couch, and relaxed. I didn't turn on the TV, I just wanted to have silence fill the room. I closed my eyes and listened to the nothingness in my apartment, enjoying it. While I relaxed, I began to hear... A piano. I believe I had heard the song before, but I wasn't completely sure. Elegance followed from note to note and it was smooth. But as I listened to the beauty of the piano, I heard something else. Definitely not an instrument. It was gentle and flowing as it was perfectly in tune with the piano. It was... Amazing, blissful, no one word could describe it. I then heard a soft cry in one of the notes. It was then I realized that (y/n) was singing. As I began to clearly hear what she was singing, I felt my heart sink as it was one of saddest songs I know... Terrible Things.

Although (y/n)'s voice was beautiful, her sorrow was very present. Whenever her voice needed to be strong, it broke under the pressure in a soft cry. She would continue to sing and play with full of meaning, as if she poured everything she had into the song. Even though I could feel a small part of my heart break away at (y/n)'s sadness, I couldn't help but see the musicianship in her playing. I kept my eyes closed and lullabied by her music, where I fell into a dreamless sleep.
Your POV
I sung and played the piano with my tears softly landing on the ivory keys, making them partially slippery. That didn't stop my playing. I continued to cry, sing, and play for what felt like forever, playing the same song over and over again. What a way to start off the morning... As I played, I heard a gentle knock on the door.

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