Chapter 12

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"Has she left the hospital yet?"

"No, she has one more day left."

"Make sure that she leaves alone."

"You want it to happen right after she leaves?"

"The girl just severely broke both her leg bones. She'll be easily incapacitated. Just get the job done tomorrow. Got it?"

"Will do sir."
Your POV
I sat in my bed, ready to leave whenever I could. I've been sitting in the same bed for the last four days and was sick of it. Eren came to visit me every day I was here, which was really sweet of him. Levi also came every now and then, but he was just an emotional train wreck and just needed to talk. I didn't know he could get so emotional. He just never bothered to show it. We'd just talk about random stuff, but mostly Petra. I tried to change the topic a couple of times by mentioning Windex and Mr. Clean, but they didn't get very far before they returned to her. To be perfectly honest, I was surprised mentioning those even got his attention.

Eren also had been covering all the parties I've had scheduled and was getting some good experience. As I stayed in bed, I thought over his offer to join my company. He was being responsible enough, so it seemed like a good idea. The customers seemed to like him a lot as well, which made me feel happy.

I sat in my bed, anxiously waiting for someone to say that I'm good to go. No one had visited me today, but I don't mind. My mom had called me a couple days ago and was caught up on everything that happened: my work, the breakup, my accident, Eren... The normal. I told her about Eren and she kept asking me if he and I were a thing. I told her no, but there was something inside of me wanting to say something different.

~le time skip to the next day~

The day has finally arrived! I was free to leave the hospital! I sat in anticipation, waiting for Dr. Kline to come in and say that I can leave. I gave Eren a call to come and walk me out of the hospital. I still remembered what 'my future' told me: Don't leave without someone. I went with my gut and trusted it... but why? It was just a dream, right? So why am I even listening to it? Am I crazy or something? I put the thought out of my mind and continued waiting for the arrival of Dr. Kline.

"Hello Ms. (L/n)." The voice I was longing to hear finally came.

"Hey Dr. Kline!" I replied gladly.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Much better! Isn't today the day you guys can discharge me?" Dr. Kline laughed.

"Yeah, today's the day. I just need you to fill out the papers." I hurriedly filled out the papers and was ready to go! He helped my out of bed, gave me a pair of crutches, and told me not to put any pressure on my leg. I agreed and began to make my way out, but remembered that I was supposed to leave with someone. I pulled out my phone and gave Eren a call. He's supposed to be meeting me in the lobby, yet he wasn't there.

"Hello?" Eren answered. He sounded tired. He just worked another late night party, so I completely understand.

"Hey Eren, it's (y/n). Don't forget to meet me at the hospital." I politely reminded him.

"Oh crud! That was today wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was." I giggled.

"Dang it, uhh... Hang tight for a minute or two! I'm on my way." He sounded distracted. I must've just woken him up.

"There's no rush. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I'll just be in the lobby until then, okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you in a minute."

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