Chapter 4 - First encounter

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~ Jade's POV~

Most of my morning went uneventful apart from the obvious looks I had received, oh and the detention I got during English. It wasn't my fault though, the girl wouldn't share her pencils with this I threw them out the window, that way no one could use them. Think of me as some sort of Robin Hood.

I walked towards my locker hoping to see some of my friends there but instead there was just a note;
Jade we've gone to get some lunch, find us whenever you get the note - Leah
I rolled my eyes, they could have waited! I'm only a few minutes late. I threw my bag into my locker and began walking towards the lunch room. My eyes scanned over my Instagram feed as I walked.

Everything happened so fast. One moment I was looking at a cute picture of a bunny and the next I was being pushed into an empty class room. Right now my confidence level was at the lowest it's been in years. That's what happens when you come face to face with the person who broke your heart four years ago.

He stood there with his 'friends' behind him, however whilst they were smirking triumphantly he just stared at me with a blank expression. I felt myself stepping backwards in attempt to make some distance between myself and Blaze.

"What do you want?" I decided to be the first one to speak since they obviously forgot how to do that. Surprisingly my voice came out much stronger than I had expected. I watched Blaze's movements carefully, who knows what he's capable of doing these days.

"Why is your name so familiar? Jade Stone.." Blaze looked at me with what seemed to be confusion as he tested my name out. So he didn't know? I don't know why I felt my heart drop at that moment. He didn't even remember my name. Either the situation was too overwhelming or I was close to my favourite time of the month because tears began to pool in my eyes. They all looked at me in confusion obviously not understanding why I was crying. Hell even I didn't know why I was crying.

All of a sudden Blaze's eyes snapped to mine. His grey eyes stared at me with shock and...pride? I mentally shook my head, why would he be proud of me? I'm worthless to him.
"Jade.." His voice was so soft, it almost sounded broken. For just a second I saw my Blaze..the same boy who taught me to ride a bike, the same boy who was there when I had my first period, the same boy who helped me through my mothers death when I was nine. The same boy who I fell in love with.

As if that second had never happened his eyes went back to their cold, taunting stare.
"You just don't learn do you? When are you going to get it into your head that you're not welcome in MY school. You're nothing Jade, you never will be anything. Just a pathetic, little girl who broke when her mother died. You're damaged beyond repair."

Before I could think twice my hand came flying out making a loud noise as it came into contact with his cheek. His hand flew up to his cheek as he stared at me with anger and amusement.
"I'll let you have that one JJ." I flinched at the nickname I used to love once upon a time. He walked slowly towards me, his eyes blazing with anger.
"If you EVER touch me again Jade, I'll make what happened in freshman year seem like a fun fair to you." His eyes held promise and malice which made me cower backwards into a wall.

I nodded slowly unable to form any words. He stepped back and I swiftly walked past him in attempt to get to the door when a hand gripped my elbow, not tight enough to hurt but enough to stop me in my tracks. I felt his hot breath on my neck and felt him smirk as he whispered in my ear.
"You know, you've filled out well from your scrawny figure in freshman year...JJ.." I turned slightly to him expecting to see a smirk but instead his eyes held a look of guilt. If he expected me to forgive him at all he is sorely mistaken.

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